Library of George Wythe page 2

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[Second page (verso)]
[ed. some loss] juris civilis. fol.
[H]arris’s Justinian. 4to.
[Vi?]nnii institutiones. 4to.
Taylor’s civil law. 4to.
                Mr. Ogilvie
Mathematiques de Bezout. 3d. & 4th. vols. 8vo.
Ciceronis opera. notis varior. 9.v. 4to.
                Anne Randolph. & Ellen
Plutarch’s lives 1st. to the 6th. vol. 8vo.
     Morals 4.v. 8vo.
Pope’s Odyssey. 5.v. 12mo.
Shakespear. 3. odd vols. p.f.

Pope’s Homer’s Iliad. 1st. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. vols 12mo
         Odyssey. 5.v. 12mo.
Dryden’s works. 6.v. 12mo.
Shakespeare by Theobald. the first 6.v. 12mo.
                Martha Randolph.
Pope’s works. 9.v. 8vo.
                Th.J. Randolph.
Herodotus [ed. rubbed out and partially written over] J.W. Eppes.

Herodotus. 8.v. 12mo. Foulis
Xenophontis historia. 4.v. 8vo. Foulis
Polybius. Gr. Lat. 3.v. 8vo.
Caesar fol. Foul.
Cornelius Nepos. Lat. Eng. by Arrol. 8vo.
Homeri Ilias. Gr. 2.v. fol. Foulis
                Odysseus. Gr. 2.v. fol. Foulis.
Horace de Dacier. Lat. Fr. 10.v. 8vo.
Ciceronis opera. Lat. 20.v. 16[mo?]. Foulis
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