Volume V : page 64

Gurtleri Lexicon 4. linguarum sc. Lat. Gr. Gal. Germ. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 165, no. 52, Gurtleri Lexicon IV Linguarum--sc. Lat. Gr. Gal. Germ. 8vo.
GÜRTLER, Nicolaus.
Novum Lexicon Universale Quatuor Linguarum, Latinae, Germanicae, Graecae, et Gallicae, à J. G. Schlossero et Z. Hemmingero . . . Basileae, 1715.
8vo. 4 parts in 1. A copy was not available for examination.
Not in Brunet, Graesse or Ebert.
Jefferson purchased his copy from N. G. Dufief, ordered from his catalogue in a letter dated from Monticello, May 3, 1812. Dufief replied on May 13 that he was sending the book, price 2.50.
Nicolaus Gürtler, 1654-1711, Swiss theologian and lexicographer, published the first edition of this Lexicon in Basel in 1682.
Minshieu’s Guide into the tongues. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 130, Minshieu’s guide into the Tongues, IX--sc. Ang. Belg. Germ. Gal. Ital. Hisp. Lat. Gr. Hebr. fol.
Minshæi Emendatio, vel à mendis Expurgatio, seu Augmentatio sui Ductoris in Linguas, The Gvide Into Tongves. Cum illarum Harmonia, & Etymologijs, Originationibus, Rationibus, & Deriuationibus in omnibus his nouem Linguis, viz. 1. Anglica. 2. Belgica. 3. Germanica. 4. Gallica. 5. Italica. 6. Hispanica. 7. Latina. 8. Græca. 9. Hebræa, &c. . . . The Guide into the Tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their Etymologies, that is, the Reasons and Deriuations of all or the most part of words, in these nine Languages, viz. 1. English. 2. Low Dutch. 3. High Dutch. 4. French. 5. Italian. 6. Spanish. 7. Latine. 8. Gréeke. 9. Hebrew, &c. . . . By the Industrie, Studie, Labour, and at the Charges of Iohn Minsheu Published and Printed. 22 o. Iuly, Anno 1625. The second Edition. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, and are by him to be sold at his House in the little Old-Baily in Eliots Court. m. dc. xxvi . [ 1627]
PE1620 .M72
Folio. 192 leaves, numbered in columns, title in 2 compartments ( Latin and English), within an ornamental border.
Lowndes III, 1570.
STC 17947.
Hazlitt II, 397.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. I, 377.
John Minsheu, fl. 1617, English lexicographer. The first edition of this work was published in 1617, and is cited as being the first English book printed by subscription, or at least the first which contained a list of subscribers. The first edition contained eleven languages; in the second edition (first published in 1626), the Welsh and Portuguese languages were omitted, leaving only nine.
Oratio Domenica in diversas linguas versa. à Chamberlayne p 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 53, Oratio Dominica in diversas Linguas versa, a Chamberlayne, p 4to.
Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere gentium Linguas versa et propriis cujusque Linguae characteribus expressa, Una cum Dissertationibus nonnullis de

Volume V : page 64

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