Volume V : page 42

nos. Sumptibus Joan. Patoni Edinburgi, & And. Stalkerii Glasguæ, Bibliopolarum. mdccxxxiii . [1733.]
PA4229 .L4 1733
Sm. 8vo. 2 parts in 1, Greek text followed by the Latin, 54 and 56 leaves, the last a blank, separate signatures and pagination.
Graesse IV, 252.
This edition not in Ebert.
Old marbled calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, r.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
For other authors edited by John Hudson, see the Index.
J. 14
Theorie circonspherique de deux genres de Beau. par Cordier de Launay. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 14, as above, du Beau.
Théorie Circonsphérique des Deux Genres de Beau avec application a toutes les mythologies et aux cinq beaux-arts. Par M. Cordier de Launay . . . A Berlin: [chez Louis Quien] 1806.
N63 .C7
4to. 146 leaves, folded engraved map of Les Trois Zones des Arts, dated 1804. This copy is no. 20 of 500 copies printed, with the autograph signature of the author.
Quérard II, 287.
Old calf; signed with numbers, and initialled by Jefferson at sig. 1. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Louis Guillaume René Cordier de Launay de Valeri, d. 1826, held various offices under Charles X, and died in St. Petersburg.
J. 15
Fitzosborne’s letters. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 9, as above, reading Fitzozborne’s.
[MELMOTH, William.]
The Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, on several subjects . . . The Seventh Edition. London: printed for J. Dodsley, mdcclxix . [1769.]
PR3548 .M7 L4 1769
8vo. 232 leaves, title printed in red and black, engraved monogrammic device on the title.
This edition not in Lowndes and not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
Old calf, gilt back, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. By William Melmoth written on the title-page, not by Jefferson.
William Melmoth, 1710-1799, English author, wrote these letters under the pseudonym Sir Thomas Fitzosborne. The two volumes of the first edition were published separately, in 1742 and 1749 respectively.
J. 16
Geddes on the composition of the antients. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 10, as above.
GEDDES, James.
An Essay on the Composition and Manner of Writing of the Antients, particularly Plato. By the late James Geddes, Esq; advocate. Glasgow: printed and sold by Robert Foulis, m dcc xlviii . [1748.]
PA3046 .G4
First Edition. 8vo. 190 leaves, engraved portrait vignettes.
Lowndes II, 870.
Old calf, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T; autograph signature of Alexr Elmsly on the title. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
James Geddes, d. 1748, Scottish author, died of consumption the year of the publication of this book.

Volume V : page 42

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