Volume V : page 41

J. 11
Kaim’s elements of criticism. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 8, as above.
HOME, Henry, Lord Kames.
Elements of Criticism. Volume I [-II]. The Third Edition, with additions and Improvements. Edinburgh: printed for A. Millar, London; and A. Kincaid & J. Bell, Edinburgh, m d c c l x v . [1765.]
PN81 .K3 1765
2 vol. 8vo. 258 and 280 leaves.
This edition not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
Old sprinkled calf, repaired. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in both volumes. The author’s name written on the title-page, and pen and ink notes, are not by Jefferson.
For other works by Henry Home, Lord Kames, see the Index. The first edition of this book was published in Edinburgh in 1762.
J. 12
Longinus. Gr. Lat. Tolii. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 13, Longinus de Sublimitate, Gr. Lat. Tollii, 4to.
Διονυσιου Λογγινου Περι υψους, Κα(`ι) Τάλλα Ευρισκομενα. Dionysii Longini de Sublimitate Commentarius, ceteraque, quæ reperiri potuere. In usum serenissimi principis electoralis Brandenburgici Jacobus Tollius e quinque codicibus MSS. emendavit, & Fr. Robortelli, Fr. Porti, Gabrielis de Petra, Ger. Langbænii, & Tanaquilli Fabri, notis integris suas subjecit, novamque versionem suam Latinam, & Gallicam Boilavii, cum ejusdem, ac Dacierii, suisque notis Gallicis addidit. Trajecti ad Rhenum: ex officina Francisci Halma, Academiæ Typographi, cIɔ Iɔcxciv. [1694]
Jefferson unclassified
4to. 224 leaves, Greek and Latin text on opposite pages in long lines, notes in double columns below, half title for the French text on [Kk] 1 verso and for Jacobi Tollii Animadversionum Criticarum on [Xx] 1 recto; engraved frontispiece by J. Baptist after J. Goeree.
Brunet III, 165.
Graesse IV, 252.
Old calf with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. This book has the bookplate of George Wythe, by whom it was given to Jefferson, who has written on the fly-leaf: The gift of a friend a few days before he died and 4 lines of Greek.
The author of this treatise is unknown. It was ascribed to “Dionysius Longinus” by editors from 1554 to 1808, when it was discovered that in a manuscript in the Vatican it was attributed to Dionysius or Longinus. It has also been ascribed to Cassius Longinus (d. 273).
J. 13
Longinus de sublimitate. Gr. Lat. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 3, as above.
Διονυσιου Λογγινου Περι υψογς Βιβλιον. Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Libellus, Ad præstantissimam Joannis Hudsoni Editionem secundam, quæ Oxoniæ prodiit anno 1718, recognitus & emendatus. Edinburgi: apud Tho. & Wal. Ruddiman-

Volume V : page 41

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