Volume V : page 40

[l’Art poetique de Boileau. in op.]
1815 Catalogue, page 159, unnumbered, as above.
See in Chapter XLIV.
J. 8
Du Bos sur la poesie et la peinture. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 4, as above.
DUBOS, Jean Baptiste.
Réflexions Critiques sur la Poësie et sur la Peinture. Par M. l’Abbé Du Bos, l’un des Quarante, & Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie Françoise, Sixiéme Édition. Premier [-Troisième] Partie . . . A Paris: chez Pissot, Quai de Conti, à la Sagesse. [de l’Imprimerie de Moreau] m. dcc. lv . Avec approbation et privilege du roi. [1755.]
3 vol. 12mo. 270, 304 and 146 leaves, including half-titles; printer’s imprint at the end.
Quérard II, 609.
Old calf, gilt backs, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in each volume.
With the Library of Congress bookplate in all volumes.
Jean Baptiste Dubos, 1670-1742, French historian and man of letters published the first edition of this work in 1719.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 12. Harris’s Philological Enquiries, 8vo.
HARRIS, James.
Philological Inquiries in Three Parts by Iames Harris Esq. Part I. and II. [-III.] London: Printed for C. Nourse, in the Strand. mdcclxxxi . [1781.]
First Edition. 8vo. 3 parts in 2 with continuous signatures and pagination, 318 leaves, engraved portrait frontispiece by Bartolozzi in Vol. I, engraved frontispiece by William Sharp after James Stuart in Vol. II.
Lowndes II, 1002.
James Harris, 1709-1780, English author and politician.
Webb on poetry & music. }

Moor’s essay on tragedy. }

Essay on design in gardening. } 12 mo.

J ennings on medals. }
1815 Catalogue, page 160, unnumbered. Webb on Poetry and Music, Moor’s Essay on Tragedy, Essay on design in Gardening--Jennings on Medals. 12mo C. 31, No. 3.
These books were not in chapter XXXI, which has only Daniel Webb’s An Enquiry into the Beauties of Painting . They were all purchased from Samuel Henley, and were included in Jefferson’s list appended to his letter to Henley dated from Paris, March 3, 1785:

Webb on poetry & music..............}

" Moor’s essay on tragedy..............}

" an essay on design in garden g. .....} in i. vol. 12 mo .

" Jennings on medals......................}”
They are also included in the separate list of this purchase made by Jefferson.

Volume V : page 40

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