Volume V : page 23

J. 24
Demosthenis Philippica. Gr. Foul. Eng. by several. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 156, no. 6, as above.
O(`ι) του Δημοσθενους λογοι Φιλιππικοι Δωδεκα. Demosthenis Orationes Philippicae duodecim; eo, jam, ordine editae, quo sunt ab oratore dictae . . . Glasguae: in aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, m dcc lxii . [1762]-- Several Orations of Demosthenes, exciting the Athenians to oppose the exorbitant power of Philip King of Macedon. Translated, in the years 1702 and 1744, from the original Greek, by the Earl of Peterborough, Lord Lansdowne, Dr. Garth, Colonel Stanhope, Mr. Topham, and other hands. To which is prefix’d a Preface, taken from the French of Monsieur Tourreil, containing a short view of the History of Greece, and the Life of Demosthenes. The whole carefully revised and corrected, with Libanius’s Arguments, and some notes from Ulpian, now first added. London: printed for R. and J. Tonson and S. Draper, mdccxliv . [1744.]
PA3951 .E5 P5
A conflated book, 12mo. and 8vo., bound in 2 vol., the Greek text interleaved with the English translation, the title for the Foulis edition at the beginning of vol. I and that for the English translation at the beginning of vol. II.
Old calf, gilt, original bookmarks. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I in vol. I and at sig. T in vol. II. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplates.
J. 25
Demosthenes, Aeschines, Deinarchus, Lycurgus, Demades Gr. Androcides, Lysias, Isaeus, Antiphon Gr. Lat. Lesbonactes, Herodes, Antisthenes, Alcidamas, et Gorgias Gr. notis Wolfii, Taylori, Marklandi, et Jacobi Reiske. 22. v. 8 vo. Lipsiae 1770-1775. cui additur Oratio inedita Isaei rhetoris.
1815 Catalogue, page 156. no. 26, as above, but reading Andocides, Markland, and Jacobii.
Oratorvm Graecorvm, qvorvm princeps est Demosthenes, qvae svpersvnt, monvmenta ingenii, e bonis libris a se emendata, materia critica, commentariis integris Hieron. Wolfii, Io. Taylori, Ierem. Marklandi, aliorvm, et svis, indicibvs deniqve instrvcta edidit Ioannes Iacobvs Reiske. Volvmen primvn [ sic -- Ed. ] [-octavvm] . . .--Indices Operum Demosthenis. Confecit D. I. I. Reiske.--Apparatvs Critici ad Demosthenem volumen primum [-tertium] . . . Lipsiae: typis W. G. Sommeri, mdcclxx-mdcclxxv . [1770-1775.]
PA3479 .A1 1770
22 vol. 8vo.
Ebert 15176.
Graesse V, 34.
Calf, gilt, marbled endpapers and edges, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in all forms (Ii and Tt etc.); with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate in every volume.
For other classics by the same editors, see the Index.

Volume V : page 23

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