Volume V : page 123

of the ancient Northern-Literature, and an Appendix to the Notes, Faithfully and Intirely translated into English from the Latin Original, by Maurice Shelton, Of Barningham-Hall in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, One of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the said County, &c. To which are added by the same Translator, Other Curious and Proper Notes for a further Illustration of the Text, A Short Appendix of Notes of Correction, &c. And a Dedication to the Right Honourable James Reynolds, Esq; Lord Chief Baron of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer, at Westminster . . . London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by D. Browne, Bookseller, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar. mdccxxxv . Price sowed, [ sic -- Ed. ] five Shillings; Price bound, seven. [1735.]
PD99 .H62 W63 1735
First Edition of this translation. 4to. 84 leaves, engraved armorial headpiece at the head of the dedication by Shelton to James Reynolds, engraved headpiece, initial, and engravings in the text, title in English for A Short View of George Hickes’s Grammatico-Critical and Archeological Treasure of the Ancient Northern Languages . . . with imprint dated 1708, list of errata on the verso of the last leaf.
Lowndes V, 2998.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 920.
The book is placed in Chapter II by Jefferson in his manuscript catalogue. He bought his copy from the Rev. Samuel Henley. The title is included in the list appended by him to his letter to Henley dated from Paris March 3, 1785, and is in the separate list made by him of the books in the same purchase.
William Wotton, 1666-1727, English scholar and clergyman. His Short View was originally written in Latin and published in 1708. The Contents list includes Æthelflede’s Testament in Saxon and in English, Ælflede’s Testament in Saxon and in English, King Edgar’s Charter in English, topographical descriptions of places mentioned in Æthelflede’s and Ælflede’s Testaments, Athanasius’ Creed in Saxon and in English, and notes upon the Anglo-Saxon coins.
Maurice Shelton, 1683-1749, English scholar, dedicated his translation to James Reynolds, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, from Barningham-Hall, Feb. 1, 1734/5.
See no. 4853.
Grammatica Lapponica Ganandri. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 165, no. 32, as above.
GANANDER, Hendrik.
Grammatica Lapponica, linguae Europearum propre antiquissimae . . . viam genium Linguae Lapponicae addiscere desideranti monstrans . . . Opera ac studio Henrici Ganandri . . . Holmiae: typis L. Salvii, 1743.
First Edition. Sm. 8vo. 96 leaves. A copy was not available for collation. The title was taken from the Catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale and other sources.
Graesse II, 23.
Ebert 8144.
Qvigstad und Wiklund, page 17.
Jefferson ordered a copy from a catalogue sent to him by Armand Koenig of Strassburg, in a letter dated from Paris, June 29, 1789. The books and the bill (price 2.0) were sent on July 7.
Hendrik Ganander, d. 1752, Finnish minister.
Lexicon Lapponicum Joh. Ihre. cum grammatica Lapponica Lindahl. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 118, as above.
Lexicon Lapponicum, cum Interpretatione Vocabulorum Sveco- Latina et Indice Svecano Lapponico; in usum tam illorum, quibus Cura Ecclesiarum in

Volume V : page 123

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