Volume V : page 122

A Chronology of the Classick Authors . . . 4. A Catalogue of the Best Classick Authors . . . 5. Pagan Mythology . . . 6. Latin Exercises . . . 7. A Correction of several palpable Mistakes made by some of our English Historians and other Authors . . . By John Pointer, M. A. Chaplain of Merton College in Oxford, and Rector of Slapton in Northampton-shire. Oxford: Printed at the Theater [ sic -- Ed. ] for Ant. Peisley, and are to be Sold by Ja. Knapton, Hen. Clements, Will. Taylor, and Will. Meadows Booksellers in London. 1718.
PA3002 .P6
First Edition. Sm. 8vo. 118 leaves.
Lowndes V, 1903.
Not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
John Pointer, 1668-1754, English antiquary and clergyman. This work is dedicated by him to John Holland, D. D., Warden of Merton College, Oxford. The Imprimatur is dated Apr. 30, 1718.
Linguar. veter. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Hickesii. 2. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 150, Linguarum veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus Hickesii, 2 v fol.
HICKES, George.
Antiquæ Literaturæ Septentrionalis Libri Duo. Quorum primus Georgii Hickesii . . . Linguarum vett. septentrionalium Thesaurum Grammatico-criticum & Archæologicum, ejusdem De Antiquæ Literaturæ Septentrionalis utilitate dissertationem epistolarem et Andreæ Fountaine . . . Numismata Saxonica & Dano-Saxonica complectitur. Alter continet Humfredi Wanleii Librorum vett. septentrionalium . . . Catalogum historico-criticum . . . Oxoniæ: e theatro Sheldoniano, 1705.
Folio. 6 parts in 2 vol., each part with separate title-page and pagination, portrait frontispiece, plates, facsimiles, some folded. A copy was not available for examination, the above information was obtained from the card in the National Union Catalog.
Lowndes II, 1065.
Not in Hazlitt.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 918.
This work is comprised of a second edition of the Institutiones Grammaticae above, no. 4836, including the Grammatica Islandica of Jonas, with additions by Hickes, and a catalogue of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts by Humfrey Wanley. The work is dedicated to Prince George of Denmark, and in his preface, according to information obtained from the Dictionary of National Biography, Hickes assigns the authorship of The Whole Duty of Man to Lady Pakington, under whose roof he was living.
Humfrey Wanley, 1672-1726, English antiquary, was employed by George Hickes during 1699 and 1700 to search through England for Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. The results were published in 1705 as the second volume of Hickes’s work with a dedication to Robert Harley, who had introduced Wanley to Hickes. The dedication was translated into Latin by Edward Thwaites (1667-1711) the Anglo-Saxon scholar.
Sir Andrew Fountaine, 1676-1753, studied Anglo-Saxon under Hickes, and published in this Thesaurus his Numismata Anglo-Saxonica et Anglo-Danica Illustrata.
Wotton’s view of Hickes’s thesaurus. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 117, Wotlon’s [ sic ] view of Hickes’s Thesaurus, 4to.
WOTTON, William.
Wotton’s Short View of George Hickes’s Grammatico-Critical and Archeological Treasure Of the Ancient Northern-Languages, With some Notes, by a Lover

Volume V : page 122

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