Volume V : page 124

Lapponia committenda, aut jam commissa est, quam aliorum curiosorum et linguarum studiosorum, indigenarum et exterorum: Illustratum Præfatione Latino- Svecana . . . Johannis Ihre; nec non auctum Grammatica Lapponica. A Dom. Erico Lindahl, Præpos. et Past. Ecclesiæ Lyckselensis et Johanne (O e)hrling, Past. Eccles. Jockmockensis Confectum. In lucem editum cura et impensis illustriss. r:æ in Ecclesias Lapponicas Directionis, Anno mdcclxxx . Holmiæ: typis Joh. Georg. Lange. [1780.]
PH725 .L5
First Edition. 4to. 800 leaves, printed in double columns; Latin and Lapp versions of the Præfatio [ F( o e ) retal] on opposite pages, signed by Joh. Ihre, Upsala d. 6 Decemb. 1779; of the Epitome Grammaticæ Lapponicæ in parallel columns, signed by Joh. J. (O e)hrling.
Graesse IV, 213.
Ebert 11994.
Qvigstad und Wiklund, page 155.
A copy of this book was ordered by Jefferson from Armand Koenig of Strassburg; included in a list of required books from his catalogues in a letter dated from Paris June 29, 1789. The books were sent on July 8. It is entered without price by him in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Erik Lindahl, Swedish scholar.
Johan (O e )hrling, b. 1718. Swedish scholar, and co-author of this book.
Johann Ihre, 1707-1730, Swedish scholar, was educated at Upsala University. He became under-librarian to the Academy of Sciences, and professor of belles-lettres and political economy.
Sacrorum evangeliorum versio gothica ab Edw. Lye. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 119, as above.
Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica ex Codice Argenteo Emendata atque Suppleta, cum Interpretatione Latina & Annotationibus Erici Benzelii non ita pridem Archiepiscopi Upsalensis. Edidit, Observationes suas Adjecit, Et Grammaticam Gothicam Præmisit Edwardus Lye A.M. Oxonii: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, mdccl . [1750]
Bible Collection
4to. 226 leaves collating in twos, the first 34 leaves for the Dedication, Præfatio, Grammatica Gothica, and Editoris Observationes, with a list of errata, text of the Gospels in Gothic, with a Latin translation, and footnotes, Imprimatur dated Feb. 19, 1749, on the verso of the title-leaf.
Darlow and Moule 4560.
Entered without price by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Eric Benzel, 1642-1709, Archbishop of Upsala, was the editor of the Swedish version of the Bible begun under Gustave III, and was the author of the Latin translation and notes in this volume.
Edward Lye, 1694-1767, English Anglo-Saxon and Gothic scholar, edited this edition and added the Gothic Grammar at the beginning. The Gothic characters are printed from the fount [ sic -- Ed. ] presented to the Clarendon Press by F. Junius; see no. 4864.
Ulphilae versio Gothica epist. Pauli ad Roman. à Francisco Knitel. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 120, Ulphilae versio Gothica epist. Pauli ad Romanos, à Francisco Knitel, 4to.
Ulphilae Versionem Gothicam nonnvllorvm capitvm Epistolae Pavli ad Romanos Venerandvm Antiqvitatis Monvmentvm pro amisso omnio atqve adeo

Volume V : page 124

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