Demaree, Jefferson wrote from Monticello on January 12, 1813: “
Your favor of Dec. 3. is just now recieved, in which you ask my recommendation of a French grammar, dictionary and books for
learning the language, which you express a desire to attain. you will find this language a great acquisition, as all science
is couched in it. while the other nations appear stationary, the literati of France are advancing in science to a wonderful
extent. it is chiefly however in the physical and mathematical departments. with politics their tyrant permits them not to
meddle. Boyer’s or Perrin’s grammars are chiefly used by learners: but any other will do, as you want nothing from a grammar
but the nouns and verbs. the best dictionary, French & English which has ever been published in any country is by Dufief,
a French bookseller in Philadelphia. he has also published a work for learners entitled Nature displayed, which contains all
the phrases of the language on every subject. a person who will make himself master of these, will never meet with another
difficulty in the French language. this work is in 2 large 8
vos. the Dictionary in 3. small 8
vos.. Dufief is the best person you can apply to for any French books you may want . . .
From time to time Jefferson ordered other copies of Dufief’s Dictionary. Copies were ordered by him on June 24, 1813, August 16, 1814, and on other dates, and were billed by Dufief in due course. One copy sent in 1813 was imperfect, and in a letter dated September 6, Dufief promised the missing
leaf: “. . . Dans deux ou trois jours, je vous adresserai la feuille qui manque au 1
er vol. de mon dictionnaire qui par la faute du relieur se trouve incomplet . . .”
A copy was bound in calf for Jefferson by Milligan on July 13, 1815, cost $12.50.
See also Dufief’s
Nature Displayed, no. 4819 above.
Dictionnaire de l’Academie Française.
2. v. in 1.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 115, Dictionnaire de l’Academi Francoise,
] 2 v in 1, 4to.
Dictionnaire de l’Académie Françoise. Nouvelle Édition . . . A
Nismes: chez
Pierre Beaume, Imprimeur du Roi, et Libraire, près l’Hotel-de-Ville,
m. dcc. lxxviii
. [1778.]
4to. 2 vol. in 1. A copy of this edition was not available for examination.
This edition not in Graesse.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price,
Académie Française was originally established in 1635, with the object of purifying the French language, specifically to give it rules and to
render it pure and eloquent and capable of treating the arts and sciences. The first edition of the
Dictionnaire was published in 1694 with Claude Fabre de Vaugelas as editor in chief. The Académie Française was suppressed in 1793.
Dictionnaire de Trevoux.
8. v.
fol. Par.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 146, as above.
Dictionnaire Universel
François et
Latin, vulgairement appelé Dictionnaire de Trévoux, contenant la Signification & la Définition des Mots de l’une & de l’autre Langue;
avec leurs Différens Usages; les Termes Propres de chaque Etat & de chaque Profession: la Description de toutes les Choses
Naturelles & Artificielles; leurs Figures, leurs Espèces, leurs Propriétés: l’Explication de tout ce que Renferment les Sciences
& les Arts, soit Libéraux, soit Méchaniques, &c., avec des Remarques d’érudition et de Critique; le tout tiré des plus excellens
Auteurs, des