Volume V : page 105
Meilleurs Lexicographes, Etymologistes & Glossaires, qui ont paru jusqu’ici en differentes Langues. Nouvelle Édition, Corrigée et Considerablement Augmentée . . . Paris: Par la Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1771.
8 vol. Folio. A copy of this edition was not available for collation; the above title is taken from the card of the University of Michigan in the National Union Catalog.
Barber I, 986-8.
The first Dictionnaire de Trévoux, printed at Trévoux in 1704, was based upon the work of Antoine Furetière, 1619?-1688. This edition of 1771 was edited by the Abbé Brilliant.
Dictionnaire de Richelet. 3. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 147, as above.
Dictionnaire de la Langue Françoise, Ancienne et Moderne, de Pierre Richelet, Nouvelle Édition, Augmentée d’un Très-Grand Nombre d’Articles. Tome Premier. A-D [-Tome Second. E-O. Tome Troisieme. P-Z.] A Lyon: Chez Jean-Marie Bruyset, Imprimeur-Libraire, grande rue Merciere, au Soleil d’or. [De l’Imprimerie d’ Aimé Delaroche, ruë Merciere. 1758]. m. dc.c. lix . Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi. [1759.]
PC2620 .R5 1759
3 vol. Fol. 404, 396, and 456 leaves, each volume with a half-title, titles printed in red and black, text in double columns, printer’s imprint on the last leaf of Vol. I at the foot of the Approbation and Privilege.
Quérard VIII, 32 [Lyon: Duplai frères].
Graesse VI, 115.
Ebert 19102.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 37.10.
Pierre Richelet, 1631-1698, French scholar, published the first edition of his Dictionnaire in 1680. This edition was ordered to be burned, but was rescued by Richelet, and reissued in 1681. An edition edited by the Abbé Fabre in 1709 served as the basis for all future editions until 1728, when it was superseded by the edition of Pierre Aubert (1642-1733, French lawyer). Aubert’s edition was edited in 1759 by Claude Pierre Goujet (1697-1767) who also published an abridged edition in 8vo, which became more popular than the folio edition.
Dictionnaire Etymologique par Morin. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 80, as above.
MORIN, Jean-Baptiste.
Dictionnaire étymologique des Mots François dérivés du Grec, et usités principalement dans les Sciences, les Lettres, et les Arts, par J. B. Morin. Ouvrage utile aux jeunes Gens, et aux Personnes qui ne sont point versées dans les Langues Anciennes. On y a joint les Nommes des Nouvelles Mesures, et les autres Mots Nouveaux tirés du Grec. Enrichi de Notes par M. d’Annse de Villoison, et revu, en l’Absence de l’Auteur, par M. de Wailly, chef de l’Enseignement au Prytanée de Paris. Paris: B. Warée, de l’Imprimerie de Crapelet, An XI-- 1803.
8vo. 276 leaves; a copy was not available for collation; the above title is taken from collated sources, including Quérard.
Quérard VI, 318.
Jefferson’s copy was bought by him from Reibelt of Baltimore on February 9, 1805, the bill receipted on March 7. The title appears on the various lists of his purchases from Reibelt made at that time.
Jean-Baptiste Morin, fl. 1803-1834, French schoolmaster, was at different times Director of the secondary school at Clermont-Ferrand, and Inspector of the Academy of Grenoble.
Volume V : page 105
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