Volume I : page 54

12mo. 75 leaves.
Quérard I, page 98.
Contemporary calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Listed on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 2.10 (livres).
Jean Rodolphe d’Arnay, eighteenth century Swiss historian. The dedication of this book to Jean Jaques Sinner is dated from Lausanne, le 24 Juin, 1752, and the first edition appeared in that year. Quérard erroneously states this edition of 1757 to be the first.
Moeurs et coutumes des Romains par Bridault. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 6. no. 49, as above.
BRIDAULT, Jean Pierre.
Moeurs et Coutumes des Romains. Par M. Bridault, Maître de Pension. Tome Premier [Second]. A Paris: chez P. G. Le Mercier, M. DCC. LIV. [1754.]
DG76 .B85
First Edition. 2 vol. 12mo. vol. I, 154 leaves; vol. II, 162 leaves; the chain-lines are perpendicular instead of horizontal in the last sheet (2 leaves) in each volume. At the end is the Extrait des Offices de Ciceron with the Latin (in italic letter) and the French (in roman letter) texts on opposite pages.
This edition not in Quérard.
Mottled sheep, gilt back, marbled end papers, g.e. Initialled by Jefferson in both volumes at sigs. I and T; the last sig. T falls on the half title for the Extrait des Offices de Ciceron. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Listed by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 3.
Jean Pierre Bridault, d. 1761, French scholar and author.
Lipsii antiquitates Roman. et Fabricii Romae collatio. Lond. 1692. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 46, as above.
LIPSIUS, Justus.
Justi Lipsii Roma illustrata, sive Antiquitatum Romanarum Breviarium. Et Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis veteris Romæ cum nova collatio. Ex nova Recensione Antonii Thysii, J. C. Cui accesserunt in hâc Editione Justi Lipsii Tractatus Peculiares . . . Cum Figuris Aeneis. In usum studiosæ Juventutis . . . Londini: Impensis Abelis Swalle, & Tim. Childe, MDCXCII. [1692.]
DG76 .L76.
Sm. 8vo. 193 leaves: [ ] 2, B-Z 8, Aa 7, A 8; engraved frontispiece, 1 folded plate, engravings in the text; half-title for Georgii Fabricii Chemnicensis Roma . . .on R 4 recto, Index on the last sheet. On Aa 7 verso a list of Libri novi quos apud Abel. Swalle & T. Childe venales prostant.
Not in Lowndes.
STC L2362.
This edition not in Van der Aa.
Original sheep, sprinkled edges (back scorched). Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T.
On the fly-leaf at the beginning (2 pp.) is written in ink in an early hand a list of books headed A Method from Mr. Peter Brown, and at the end is similarly written Mr. Halls method for a fellowship for philosophy with a list of books on 3 pages. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Justus Lipsius [Joest Lips], 1547-1606, Belgian scholar. The first edition of this work was published in Leyden in 1645.
Georg Fabricius, 1516-1571, German poet, historian, and archaeologist. His Roma, an exhaustive study of the antiquities of Rome, was originally published in 1550.
Antoine Thysius, c. 1603-1665, Dutch historian and philologue, was a pupil of Heinsius, whom he succeeded as librarian of Leyden University.

Volume I : page 54

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