Volume II : page 53

ipsorum fontium recognitione excerpta, & multis in locis jam longè accuratius, quàm antè emendata. Cum triplici Indice, Authorum, Locorum & Proverbiorum locupletissimo. Amstelodami: apud Joannem Janssonium, Anno c I ɔ I ɔcLxIII [1663].
12mo. 322 leaves; title printed in red and black, printer’s wood-cut device on the title-page.
Haeghen, Bibliotheca Erasmiana, Adagia, page 351.
Old vellum. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Desiderius Erasmus, 1466-1536, Dutch scholar and theologian. The first edition of the Collectanea adagiorum was printed in Paris in 1500. This edition of 1663 is a reprint of the same publisher’s edition of 1649.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 58, no. 83, Philosophe de Kant, par Villers, 8vo.
VILLERS, Charles François Dominique de.
Philosophie de Kant. Ou Principes fondamentaux de la Philosophie transcendentale. Par Charles Villers, de la Société royale des sciences de Gottingue . . . A Metz: chez Collignon, 1801 (An ix.)
B2798 .V4
First Edition. 2 parts in 1. 8vo. 156 leaves (59 and 97); continuous pagination.
Quérard X, 204.
Jefferson’s copy was bound by John March, July 8, 1802; cost .75.
Charles François Dominique de Villers, 1765-1815, doctor of philosophy, was a native of German Lorraine.
Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804, German philosopher.
J. 125
Tracts in Ethics. viz........................................................................................ }

Swedenbourg du commerce de l’ame et du corps. }

Castiglione. l’homme de lettres bon citoyen. }

Lettre sur la censure des Principes de Morale de Mably. }

Problema. Invenire modum lites forenses minuendi. }

Sur l’etat primitif de l’homme, le desir de l’immortalité et l’heroisme. } 8 vo.

Enquiry into the effects of stopping the African slave trade. }

Benezet’s caution to Gr. Brit. & her colonies on y e enslav d negroes. }

Thoughts on the slavery of the negroes. }

Serious address to the rulers of America on Slavery. }

Discours sur l’etablissement d’un Societé a Paris sur l’esclavage. }
1815 Catalogue, page 59, no. 124, Tracts in Ethics, to wit, Swedenburg, Castiglione, Mably, lites forenses, etat primitif, slave trade, Benezet, &c. on slavery, 8vo.

Volume II : page 53

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