Volume I : page 55

Tracts in ant t: history. viz .................................. }

Description of Priestley’s biographical chart }

Fabbroni della farfalla } 8 vo.

Fabbroni del bombice e del bisso degl’ antichi }
1815 Catalogue, page 4. no. 99, Tracts in Antient history by Priestley and Fabbroni, 8vo.
Three tracts bound together in one volume 12mo., marbled sheep, marbled endpapers, sprinkled edges. On the fly-leaf Jefferson has listed the contents as in his manuscript catalogue quoted above ( Farfalla written with a capital initial letter). With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
CT105 .P7 1785
Description of Priestley’s biographical chart.
i. PRIESTLEY, Joseph.
A Description of a Chart of Biography; with a Catalogue of all the Names Inserted in it, And the Dates annexed to them . . . By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. A new edition, with improvements. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1785. Where may be had by the same Author, A New Chart of Universal History. [Price of each Chart and Description, &c. 10s.6d.]
12mo. 15 leaves: A-B 6, C 3, 2 engraved folded charts by J. Priestley; the last two leaves contain A Catalogue of all the Names.
Not in Lowndes.
Fulton and Peters, page 6.
On July 24, 1786, Jefferson wrote to Stockdale from Paris and ordered, unbound, “ Priestly’s biographical chart, with 2. of the pamphlets, the one I received with mine wanting several leaves.
Stockdale’s bill for August 18, 1786, included Priestley’s Biogl. Chart and the description, each at 10/6. An N.B. reads: “The Bookseller will not sell the description of the Chart separate, nor will he make make [sic] the book perfect, but if you will at another oportunity specify the pages wanting, I will endeavour myself to get them at the booksellers. J.S.”
This was acknowledged by Jefferson on September 13. Copies of this book and the Chart appear more than once on Jefferson’s book bills.
Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804, English theologian and man of science, came to America in 1794, where he lived for the remaining ten years of his life. He was a friend and correspondent of Thomas Jefferson over a number of years. This is the eighth edition of his Description of a chart of Biography of which the first was printed in Warrington in 1765.
Fabbroni della Farfalla.
ii. FABBRONI, Adamo.
Della Farfalla Simbolo Egiziano Dissertazione di Adamo Fabbroni Socio dell’ Accademia Etrusca di Cortona . . . Firenze MDCCLXXXIII. Per Anton-Giuseppe Pagani, e Comp. Con Approvazione. [1783.]
12mo. 25 leaves.
Adamo Fabbroni, Florentine man of letters, was the brother of Giovanni Fabbroni, q.v., with whom Jefferson had correspondence.
Fabbroni del bombice e del bisso degl’ antichi.
iii. FABBRONI, Adamo.
Del Bombice e del Bisso degli Antichi Dissertazione di Adamo Fabbroni . . . In Perugia MDCCLXXXII. Nella Stamperia del Costantini Con Licenza de’ Superiori. [1782.]

Volume I : page 55

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