Volume I : page 372

i. South Carolina Agricultural Society.
Address and Rules of the South Carolina Society for promoting and improving Agriculture and other rural concerns. Charleston, 1785.
First Edition. 12mo. No copy was located for collation.
This copy of the Address and Rules was sent to Jefferson in November 1785, on his having been made a member of the Society.
On November 23, 1785, William Drayton, the chairman, wrote to Jefferson from Charleston: “As Chairman of the Committee of the South Carolina Society for promoting & improving Agriculture & other rural Concerns, I am directed to inform your Excellency, that you are unanimously elected an honorary member of that Society; and I herewith transmit to your Excellency a copy of an Address & their Rules, published at their Institution.”
Jefferson replied on May 6 of the following year: “ Your favor of Nov. 23. came duly to hand. a call to England soon after it’s receipt has prevented my acknoleging it so soon as I should have done. I am very sensible of the honour done me by the South Carlina society for promoting & improving agriculture & other rural concerns, when they were pleased to elect me to be of their body: & I beg leave through you, Sir, to convey to them my grateful thanks for this favor. they will find in me indeed but a very unprofitable servant. at present particularly my situation is unfavourable to the desire I feel of promoting their views. however I shall certainly avail myself of every occasion which shall occur of doing it. perhaps I may render some service by forwarding to the society such new objects of culture as may be likely to succeed in the soil & climate of South Carolina . . .
From this time Jefferson was in constant correspondence with the Society, to which he sent olive trees, rice, and other “ new objects of culture” which he thought might be cultivated in the south.
ii. FABBRONI, Adamo.
Dissertazione sopra il Quesito Indicare le vere Teorie con le quali devono eseguirsi le stime dei terreni, stabilite le quali abbiano i pratici stimatori delle vere guide, che gli conducono a determinarne il valore. Presentata al concorso dell’ anno 1784. e coronata dalla R. Accademia de’ Georgofili di Firenze. Firenze: per Gaetano Cambiagi, 1785.
First Edition. Sm. 8vo. No copy was located for collation.
Royal Society of Agriculture catalogue, 111.
Lastri 51.
Other books by Adamo Fabbroni have appeared in this catalogue.
iii. PARMENTIER, Antoine Auguste.
Méthode facile de conserver a peu de frais les grains et les farines, par M. Parmentier . . . Londres et Paris: Barrois l’ainé, 1784.
First Edition. 8vo. 52 leaves; no copy was located for collation.
Quérard VI, page 605.
Loudon 1216.
Several other works by Parmentier are in this catalogue.
L’Art de la vigne, contenant une nouvelle méthode économique de cultiver la vigne, avec les expériences qui en ont été faites. Par M. Maupin . . . Paris, 1779.
8vo. 59 leaves; no copy was located for collation.
Not in Quérard.
This edition not in Simon.
Loudon, page 1216 (not dated).
See no. 785.

Volume I : page 372

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