Volume II : page 371

J. 15
Neutral rights by Jenkinson, Schlegel, Croke, and Yorke. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 85. no. 7, as above.
These tracts, bound together for Jefferson, were separated on November 16, 1904. Preserved in the first tract is the original fly-leaf, on which Jefferson has written the list of tracts included in the volume.

Jenkinson on the Conduct of G. Brit. to Neutral nations.

Croke’s Remarks on Schlegel.

Two chapters of the Consolato del Mare. 273. & 287.

Memoire justicatif [ sic -- Ed. ] de la Gr. Bretagne en arretant les navires etrangeres destinées aux Insurgents de l’Amerique.

Observations on the Justificative Memorial of the court of London.

Webster’s rights of Neutrals.
Jenkinson on the Conduct of G. Brit. to Neutral nations.
JENKINSON, Charles, earl of liverpool.
A Discourse on the conduct of the Government of Great-Britain, in respect to Neutral Nations, during the present War. The second edition. London: Printed for R. Griffiths, m.dcc.lix . [1759]
JX5360 .L6
Sm. 4to. 36 leaves only, imperfect at the end, collates B-K 4, cut into badly.
This edition not in Lowndes, Sweet & Maxwell, Clarke.
Rebound in a half binding, padded with blanks, in 1904; many leaves badly cut into. Initialled at sig. I by Jefferson, who has written on the title-page: by Charles Jenkinson. and below the words The Second Edition: the 1 st. was in 1757. At the end Jefferson has written: about 14. pages wanting. the whole treatise complete, prefixed to the 1 st. vol. of Jenkinson’s treaties ; manuscript notes by Jefferson occur in the text.
This work was reprinted as the preliminary matter to Jenkinson’s Collection of Treaties , 1785, no. 1453.
Neutral rights by Schlegel.
ii. SCHLEGEL, Johan Frederik Wilhelm.
Neutral Rights; or, an impartial examination of the right of search of neutral vessels under convoy, and of a judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty, the 11th June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish convoy; with some additions and corrections, by Mr. J. F. W. Schlegel, Doctor and Professor of Law in the University of Copenhagen, Extraordinary Assessor of the High Court of Justice, Member of several learned societies. Translated from the French. Philadelphia: Printed at the Aurora Office, 1801.
JX5268 .S3
First Edition of this translation. 86 leaves collating in fours. Table of 25 numbered Treaties on 3 pages at the end.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Sabin 77646.
Not in Marvin.
Rebound in a half binding by the Library of Congress in 1904. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T, and with manuscript text corrections and annotations by him.
Johan Frederik Wilhelm Schlegel, 1765-1836, Danish lawyer. This attack on the action of the English admiralty court was answered by Sir Alexander Croke in the next following tract, on the verso of the title-page of which is the statement: Mr. Schlegel’s Book was originally published in the Danish Language; it was translated into French at Copenhagen, and from thence into English.--Another English Translation, immediately from the Danish, printed by Wilson, was not sold, but circulated, and distributed. The latter is the Edition to which I have generally referred.

Volume II : page 371

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