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translated into a number of languages, and reprinted in various collections of voyages. The Latin and German translations are included in the Grands Voyages of De Bry.
Jefferson’s copy of this work seems to have been bound with the Tyrannies et cruautez des Espagnols of Las Casas, published in Antwerp in 1579. The two books are bracketed together by Jefferson in his dated and his undated manuscript catalogues, and in the Library of Congress Catalogue of 1815. See the next entry.
For the Latin translation see no. 4105.
CASAS, Bartolomé de las.
Tyrannies et Crvavtez des Espagnols, perpetrees és Indes Occidentales, qu’on dit Le Nouueau monde; Brieuement descrites en langue Castillane par l’Euesque Don Frere Bartelemy de las Casas ou Casavs, Espagnol, de l’ordre de S. Dominique; fidelement traduictes par Iaqves de Miggrode: pour seruir d’exemple & aduertissement aux xvii Prouinces du païs bas . . . A Anvers: Chez François de Ravelenghien, m. d. lxxix . [1579.]
F1411 .C432
First Edition of this translation. Sm. 8vo. 100 leaves, a Sonnet on the verso of the last preliminary leaf.
Sabin 11267.
Palau II, 83.
Winsor II, 341.
Field 873.
John Carter Brown 329.
Not in Church.
Jefferson’s copy of this book was evidently bound with the Historia del mondo nuovo of Benzoni, see the preceding entry.
For a note on Bartolomé de las Casas, see no. 4100.
This work is a translation into French of his first, second and sixth tracts printed in 1552.
Jacques de Miggrode, Flemish writer, the translator from the original Spanish into French, softened the cruelties as recorded by the author, in order to spare the feelings of the Spaniards.
Novae novi orbis historiae, ex Italicis Benzoni latiné reddita Urbani Calvetonis industria, cui ab eodem adjuncta est Gallorum in Floridam expeditio p 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 90, as above.
BENZONI, Girolamo.
Novae Novi Orbis Historiæ, Jd est, Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, & acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, Libri tres, Vrbani Calvetonis opera industriáque ex Italicis Hieronymi Benzonis Mediolanensis, qui eas terras XIIII. annorum peregrinatione obijt, commentarijs descripti, Latini facti, ac perpetuis notis, argumentis & locupleti memorabilium rerum accessione, illustrati. His ab eodem adiuncta est, De Gallorum in Floridam expeditione, & insigni Hispanorum in eos sæuitiæ exemplo, Breuis Historis. [ Genevae:] apvd Evstathivm Vignon, m. dc. lxxviii . [1578.]
E141 .B47
Sm. 8vo. 263 leaves, printer’s woodcut device, the Anchora Sacra, on the title-page, errata list on the last leaf, otherwise blank.
Sabin 4792.
This edition not in Boucher de la Richarderie.
Palau I, 202.
John Carter Brown 318.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue without price.
For an Italian edition of this work, see no. 4103.
This is the first edition of the Latin translation and is without illustrations. Following the description of the Brevis Insvlarvm qvae Canariae appellantur (pages 416 to 426), the translator and editor, Urbain Chauveton, has added De Gallorvm Expeditione in Floridam, eiúsque miserabili exitu, Breuis Historia . . . with half title; a translation into Latin by L. Apollonius of the French account of the disastrous French expedition into Florida, written by Nicolas Le Challeux and first printed in Dieppe in 1566.

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