Volume IV : page 259

The Spanish empire in America. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 210, as above.
The Spanish Empire in America. Containing, a succinct Relation of the Discovery and Settlement of its several Colonies; a View of their respective Situations, Extent, Commodities, Trade, &c. And a full and clear Account of the Commerce with Old Spain by the Galleons, Flota, &c. Also of the Contraband Trade with the English, Dutch, French, Danes, and Portuguese. With an exact Description of Paraguay. By an English Merchant. London: Printed for M. Cooper in Pater-noster Row, 1747.
F1408 .C20
8vo. 172 leaves, the last with a numbered list of 8 books printed for J. Stagg and Daniel Browne.
Halkett and Laing V, 337.
Sabin 10240.
This edition not in Cowan.
Winsor VIII, 258.
Purchased by Jefferson in England and entered by him in his undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 1/6.
John Campbell, 1708-1775, Scots writer, printed the first edition of this work, with title A Concise History of Spanish America, in 1741. He was the author of the Lives of the Admirals , q.v. no. 393.
Historia general de las islas i tierra firma del mar Oceáno, di Herrera. 5. v. p fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 281, as above, reading y for i, Herrara, and fol for p fol.
Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano. Escrita por Antonio de Herrera Coronista Mayor de Sv M d. de las Indias y Sv Coronista de Castilla En quatro Decadas desde el Año de 1492 hasta el de 531. [ sic -- Ed. ] Decada primera [-octava] al Rey Nu ro. Señor. En Madrid: en la Imprenta Real de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco; [Colophon:] En Madrid: en la Imprenta de Francisco Martinez Abad. Año de m.dcc.xxviii . [1728.]
E141 .H58
Folio. 8 Decades in 5 vol. Volume I contains the Descripcion de las Indias Ocidentales and the Decada Primera; volume II the Decadas Segunda and Terzera; volume III the Decadas Quarta and Quinta; volume IV the Decadas Sesta and Setima; volume V the Decada Octava and the Tabla General de las Cosas Notables. The title to the Descripcion and to each Decada is engraved with the Royal arms of Spain within pictorial borders in compartments and with portraits of the discoverers and conquistadores and these and the maps and vignettes are reproductions of those used in the first edition. The text is in double columns, except for the Tabla in triple columns.
Sabin 31546.
Palau IV, 27.
Antonio I, 128.
Wagner 12 l.
Jefferson bought a copy through William Carmichael in 1786, price 500., included in the bill paid by Thomas Barclay and receipted by Peter Lyonnet on May 26, in that year. This title is also in the list of books in Spanish American history already owned by him, sent by Jefferson to Miguel Lardizabel y Uribe on July 6, 1787.
Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, 1549-1625, Spanish historian, was appointed by Philip II historiographer of the Indies, and one of the historiographers of Castile. This work, which relates the history of the Spanish colonies from 1492 to 1554, was first published in Madrid in 1601 to 1615. The second edition was published from 1725 to 1728, although some copies have the date 1730 on the engraved titles. For a full account of this work, see Wagner, The Spanish Southwest, as above, and for a translation into English, see the next entry.

Volume IV : page 259

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