Volume IV : page 253

Jefferson bought his copy from Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1787, price, with “ Officios y Casas para las Indias,” 1630, 4to, 20. (livres). De Veitia Linage’s book is entered by Jefferson without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
José de Veitia Linage, 1620-1688, Spanish jurisconsult and magistrate, was an authority on the laws and customs regulating the trade of Spain with her colonies in Spanish America. An English translation of this work by John Stevens was published in 1702.
Milicia y descripcion de las Indias por Bernardo de Vargas Machuca p 4 to. Madrid. 1599.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 207, as above.
VARGAS MACHUCA, Bernardo de.
Milicia y Descripcion de las Indias, por el Capitan don Bernardo de Vargas Machuca, Cauallero Castellano, natural de la villa de Simancas. Dirigido al Licenciado Pavlo de Laguna Presidente del Consejo Real de las Indias. En Madrid: en casa de Pedro Madrigal, Año m.d.xcix . [1599.]
E141 .V29
First Edition. Sm. 4to. 224 leaves including the last blank but for a typographical ornament on the recto, and the penultimate leaf with the colophon only, engraved coat of arms on the title-page, full-page engraving facing the first page of text with a coat of arms, the number 43, the author in armour, with compasses in his hand resting on a globe showing America, and at the foot the legend A la Espada y el compas Mas y mas y mas y mas; facing the Compendio de la Sphera, a wood engraving of a sphere; a number of sonnets to the author at the beginning.
Sabin 98604.
Palau VII, 116.
Antonio I, 228.
Medina 402.
Salvá II, 3825.
John Carter Brown 546.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé on April 17, 1789, price 5. It is entered by him without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Bernardo de Vargas Machuca, 1557-1622, Spanish soldier and author. This work is divided into three parts, La Milicia Indiana, Descripcion de las Indias and the Compendio de la Sphera. It has been reprinted in Madrid, and in 1892 in the Coleccion de libros raros ó curiosos que tratan de America, vol. VIII and IX.
Antonio de Leon. Tratado de encomiendas, oficios, y casos para las Indias. y Biblioteca Oriental y Occidental. p 4 to. Madrid. 1629. 1630.
1815 Catalogue, page 121, no. 208, Antonio de Leon, Tratado de Encomiendas, &c. para las Indias y Biblioteca Orient. y Occid. p 4to Madrid, 1629, 30.
LEÓN PINELO, Antonio Rodríguez de.
Tratado de Confirmaciones Reales de Encomiendas, Oficios i casos, en que se requieren para las Indias Occidentales. A Don Lorenço Ramirez de Prado del Consejo del Rey N. S. en el Supremo de las Indias i Iunta de Guerra dellas; i en el de Cruzada i Iunta de Competencias. Por el Lic. Antonio de Leon Relator del mismo: Consejo de las Indias. Con Priuilegio . . . En Madrid: por Iuan Gonzalez, 1630.-- Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental i Occidental, Nautica i Geografica . . . Con Priuilegio. En Madrid: por Iuan Gonzales, Año de m.dcxxix . [1629.]
F1411 .L56 / Z1601 .L55
First Edition. 2 vol. in 1. 4to. 206 and 144 leaves, colophon on the last leaf of the Epitome, engraved title in each volume within a different emblematic border in compartments by I. de Courbes.
Sabin 40057, 40052.
Palau IV, 215.
Medina VII, page xii.
John Carter Brown 256, 248.
Jefferson’s copies of these two books were evidently bound together, the 1630 volume before that of 1629. In his

Volume IV : page 253

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