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undated manuscript catalogue the books are entered in this order, with the dates correctly written, 1630, 1629, and not reversed as above.
Antonio Rodríguez de León Pinelo, c. 1587-1660, was born in Peru, and was educated at the University of San Marcos in Lima. Later he went to Spain and was appointed relator to the Council of the Indies, and became known as the best chronicler of the affairs of the New World up to that time. The Tratado deals chiefly with the new laws of the Indies. The Epitome is the first American bibliography printed. The greater number of the books in Jefferson’s collection of Spanish Americana are to be found in the Epitome, and it seems probable that Jefferson used this work as the basis for his collection.
Historia natural y moral de las Indias por Joseph de Acosta. 4 to. Sevilla. 1590.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 205, as above.
ACOSTA, José de.
Historia Natvral y Moral de las Indias, en qve se tratan las Cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas: y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios. Compuesta por el Padre Ioseph de Acosta Religioso de la Compañia de Iesus. Dirigida a la Serenissima Infanta Doña Isabella Clara Eugenia de Austria. Con Privilegio. Impresso en Seuilla en casa de Iuan de Leon. Año de 1590.
E141 .A283
First Edition in Spanish. 4to. 286 leaves, woodcut device of the Jesuit order on the title-page, printer’s woodcut device and colophon at the end of the text and on the recto of the last page, the second colophon in Latin.
Sabin 121.
Palau I, 11.
Medina 324.
Salvá II, 3261.
John Carter Brown 387.
Backer I, 34, no. 6.
Carayon 666.
O’Gorman 2.
See Field 8 and 9.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1789, price 15. It is entered by him without price on his undated manuscript catalogue.
José de Acosta, 1540-1600, Spanish Jesuit, became in 1571 the deputy provincial of Peru. He spent the greater part of his life in America, but returned to Spain and died in Salamanca.
This work consists of seven books, and is the first edition of books three to seven. Books one and two were originally written in Latin and published in 1588-9 with the title De Natura Orbis libri duo. The work has been translated into several European languages.
Historia natural y moral de las Indias por Acosta. 4 to. Madrid. 1608.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 206, as above, reading Joseph de Acosta.
ACOSTA, José de.
Historia natvral y moral de las Indias, en qve se tratan las Cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas: y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios. Compuesta por el Padre Ioseph de Acosta Religioso de la Compañia de Iesus. Dirigida a la serenissima Infanta Doña Isabela Clara Eugenia de Austria. Año 1608. Con Licencia. Impresso en Madrid en casa de Alonso Martin.
4to. No copy of this edition was seen for collation. The collation as given in the John Carter Brown Catalogue reads as follows: “2 unnumbered leaves, 531 (5-535) pages, 20 unnumbered leaves, and 1 blank leaf. 197 x 135 mm. Follows closely in format the issue by Juan de Leon, Seville, 1590,” [see the previous number] “but differs from that in the preliminary matter.”

Volume IV : page 254

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