Volume IV : page 252

Entered by Jefferson without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Jorge Juan y Santacilia, 1713-1773, and Antonio de Ulloa, 1716-1795, Spanish scientists. The boundary line between the Spanish and Portuguese possessions in America was a constant subject of discussion until they became independent states. This work by two of the most learned authorities on the subject was first published in Madrid in 1749.
For other works by these authors, see the Index.
Joannes de Salorzano Pereira de Indiarum jure p. fol. Madrid. 1629.
1815 Catalogue, page 124, no. 277, as above. but reading fol for p fol.
Ioannes De Solorzano Pereira I.V.D. Ex Primarijs olim Academiæ Salmanticensis Antecessoribus. Posteà Limensis Prætorij in Peruano Regno Novi Orbis Senator: nunc verò in Supremo Indiarum Consilio Regij Fisci Patronus, Dispvtationem De Indiarvm Ivre, sive De iusta Indiarum Occidentalium inquisitione, acquisitione, et retentione Tribvs Libris Comprehensam, D. E. C. Cvm Privilegio. Matriti: ex Typographia Francisci Martinez, Anno i629 [sic].
F1411 .S68
First Edition. Folio. 440 leaves, printed in double columns, engraved title within an architectural and allegorical border, with the arms of Spain, the figure of King Philip IV with his foot on the globe, the full length figures of Fides and Religio, etc. by Roberto Cordier; complimentary verses at the beginning, colophon on the last page, otherwise blank.
Sabin 86525.
Palau VI, 531.
Medina II, 863.
Antonio I, page 781.
John Carter Brown 352.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1789, price 12.
Juan de Solorzano Pereira, 1575-1655. Spanish jurisconsult and author, was born in Madrid. This treatise relative to the laws and government of the New World under Spanish domination was written while the author was auditor of the Audiencia of Lima in 1609. A second volume appeared in 1639. The first edition in Spanish was published in Madrid in 1647.
De Veitia Linage. Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias occidentales. fol. Seville. 1672.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 280, as above.
Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales. Dirigido al Exc mo. Señor D. Gaspar de Bracamonte y Gvzman, Conde de Peñaranda, Gentilhombre de la Camara del Rey Nuestro Señor, de sus Consejos de Estado, y Guerra, y de la Iunta del Govierno Vniversal destos Reynos. Y Presidente Antes del Consejo Svpremo de las Indias, ya del de Italia. Por D. Ioseph de Veitia Linage, Cavallero de la Orden de Santiago, Señor de la Casa de Veitia, del Consejo de su Magestad, su Tesorero, Juez Oficial de la Real Audiencia de la Casa de la Contratacion de las Indias. Con Privilegio. En Sevilla: Por Iuan Francisco de Blas, Año 1672.
HF3688 .W5 V35
First Edition. Folio. 2 parts in 1, 328 leaves printed in double columns, Indice on 36 leaves at the end, the last leaf with colophon and ornaments on the recto, verso blank; the copy collated was without the engraved title, with date 1671.
Sabin 98780.
Palau VI, 137.
Winsor VIII, 250.

Volume IV : page 252

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