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Vaughan & the packets from m( ~ r) Michaux which he was so kind as to forward, and he now takes the liberty of putting a letter to m( ~ r) Michaux under m( ~ r) Vaughan’s cover, and with his thanks presents him his salutations & best wishes.
François André Michaux, 1770-1855, French doctor and naturalist, travelled in the United States, and was a member of the American Philosophical Society. For the other works mentioned in the above correspondence, see the Index.
Volney. Tableau du climat & du sol des E. U. d’Am. 2. v. in 1. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 128, no. 176, Volney, Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats Unis d’Amerique, 2 v in 1, 8vo.
VOLNEY, Constantin François Chasseboeuf, comte de.
Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Suivi d’éclaircissemens sur la Floride, sur la colonie Française au Scioto, sur quelques colonies Canadiennes et sur les Sauvages. Enrichi de quatre Planches gravées, dont deux Cartes Géographiques et une coupe figurée de la chûte de Niagara. Par C.-F. Volney, Membre due [ sic -- Ed. ] Sénat conservateur, de l’Institut national de France, Membre honoraire de la Société philosophique Américaine de Philadelphie; de la Société Anglaise-Asiatique de Calcutta: des Athenées d’Avignon, d’Alençon, etc. Tome Premier. [-Second.] A Paris: Chez Courcier; Dentu, An XII.-- 1803.
E164 .V91
First Edition. 2 vol. in 1, together 276 leaves (162 and 114), separate titles, continuous signatures and pagination, each volume with a half-title; 2 folded engraved maps in vol. I, and 2 folded engraved maps in Vol. II. The volume separation occurs at sig. 196, page 300, which is followed by the half-title for Vol. II, with 3 lines of errata on the back, and the title (verso blank), after which are the last 2 leaves in sig. 19, [ sic -- Ed. ] beginning with page 301. In vol. I the verso of the half-title has a list of Volney’s works; following the title is the Table des Matières, 1 leaf, the Avis au Relieur, 1 leaf, with a list of errata and the Avis au Lecteur on the verso, and the Preface, 8 leaves; at the end of Vol. II is a Vocabulaire de la Langue des Miamis, 4 leaves.
Quérard X, 274.
Sabin 100692.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 69.
Staton and Tremaine 723.
Gagnon 3676.
Pilling 518.
This edition not in Field.
Thomson 1170 [in the note to the English translation].
Boimare 97.
Jefferson’s copy was bound for him in calf, gilt, cost $1.00, by John March of Georgetown, in October, 1804.
Two issues of the first edition of this book appeared in 1803, one with continuous, the other with separate pagination for the Vocabulaire de la langue des Miamis. It is not known which issue was in Jefferson’s library. One of the copies in the Library of Congress is specifically mentioned by Pilling: “In the copy belonging to the Library of Congress there is a manuscript vocabulary of the Osage language corresponding to the printed Miami.” This manuscript vocabulary is written on inserted blank leaves, each word is numbered, and the corresponding words in the printed Miami vocabulary have been similarly numbered in ink. It is interesting, but of no apparent significance, that in this copy the initials T. J. have been written in pencil below the date on both title-pages.
Jefferson’s name occurs several times in the work. Volney was in the United States between 1795 and 1798, and corresponded with Jefferson during that time on subjects connected with his book, and visited him at Monticello.
In the Preface, relative to a passage on the liberté de la presse (page xi) a footnotes states: Depuis l’avènement de M. Jefferson à la présidence, les fédéralistes n’ont cessé de l’assaillir d’invectives dans les papiers publics . . .
Page 4. As a footnote to the statement concerning Hutchins [i.e. Thomas Hutchins, q.v.] Volney has written: J’ai vu dans les mains de M. Jefferson une lettre à lui écrite par Hutchins, en data du 11 février 1784, dans laquelle il reconnaît avoir commis de très-fortes erreurs dans le calcul du Nord-ouest-territory.
Page 32. A footnote informs the reader that the statement as to the height of the Pic Otter, was taken from les notes M. Jefferson, page 49, édition de Paris, 1786 . . .
On page 40 is a reference to the Fry and Jefferson map.

Volume IV : page 211

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