Volume IV : page 210
John Filson, c. 1747-1788, the historian of Kentucky. The original English edition of this book was printed in Wilmington, Delaware (there being no printing press in Kentucky) in 1784. This is a translation into French, with some additions, of that work. Filson was killed by an Indian in October 1788.
J. P. Perraud, the translator, was a member of the Académie de Villefranche and of the Arcades de Rome. He was the translator of a considerable number of books from various languages into French.
Voyage à l’Ouest des monts Alleghanys. par F. A. Michaux. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 127, no. 194, as above, reading Alleghaneys.
MICHAUX, François André.
Voyage a l’Ouest des Monts Alléghanys, dans les États de l’Ohio, du Kentucky et du Tennessée, et Retour a Charleston par les Hautes-Carolines; contenant des détails sur l’état actuel de l’agriculture et les productions naturelles de ces contrées, ainsi que des renseignemens sur les rapports commerciaux qui existent entre ces Etats et ceux situés à l’est des montagnes et la Basse-Louisiane; entrepris pendant l’an X--1802, sous les auspices de Son Excellence M. Chaptal, Ministre de l’Intérieur. Avec une Carte très-soignée des États du Centre, de l’Ouest et du Sud des États-Unis. Par F. A. Michaux, M.D. membre de la Société d’Histoire naturelle de Paris; correspondant de la Société d’Agriculture du département de Seine et Oise. De l’Imprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris: Chez Levrault, Schoell et Compagnie, An XII-- 1804.
E164 .M62
8vo. 161 leaves including the half-title, list of errata at the end. Jefferson’s copy may have been of the edition published earlier in the same year by Crapelet, with a map not in this edition.
This edition not in Quérard and not in Sabin.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 93.
Coleman 3417.
Thomson 821 (in the note).
Boimare 103.
This edition not in De Renne.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by the author who wrote from Philadelphia on July 6, 1806: “Je profite de l’offre obligeante de M r. J h. Vaughan, pour vous adresser un exempl e. de mon Voÿage à l’Ouest des Monts-Alleghanys: trop heureux, Monsieur le Président, a mon arrivée dans les Etats-Unis de pouvoir vous en faire hommage, surtout S’il se trouve digne de votre approbation. Se jointe a cet ouvrage un petit mèmoire sur les Arbres forestiers des Etats-Unis; quelques remarques comparatives (page 29) pourront peut-etre mériter votre attention . . .”
Two days later, on July 8, John Vaughan wrote from Philadelphia to Jefferson: “. . . I forward by this days mail from F. A. Michaux his Voyage & a pamphlet relative to American Trees. I have been much gratified by his Statement & the official report to the French Governm t--Abbe Raynal would have (if alive) to reverse his stigma of Degeneracy . . .”
Jefferson wrote his acknowledgments to Michaux from Washington on July 12: “ Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to M r Michaux for the book of his travels & the pamphlet he has been so kind as to send him. he possesses the Flora Americana of his father & has seen his work on the American oaks, both of which are valuable additions to our Botanical libraries. he has no doubt that m ( ~ r) Michaux will increase the debt of science to his family by his further researches in the United States, in which he wishes him all success, and prays him to accept his salutations & respects.
The letter was sent on the same day through John Vaughan: “ Th: Jefferson has received safely the letter of m( ~ r) ”
Volume IV : page 210
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