Volume IV : page 199
Burnaby’s travels thro’ the middle settlements of N America. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 180, Burnaby’s Travels thro’ the Middle Settlements of North America, 8vo, in 1759, 60.
BURNABY, Andrew.
Travels through the Middle Settlements in North-America. In the Years 1759 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. By the Rev. Andrew Burnaby, A.M. Vicar of Greenwich. The Second Edition. London: Printed for T. Payne, mdcclxxv . [1775.]
E162 .B962
8vo. 108 leaves, including the half-title and the last leaf with an Erratum and an advertisement of a book lately published by the same author.
Lowndes I, 318.
Sabin 9359.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 8.
Swem 675.
Arents 879.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue with the price 1/6.
Andrew Burnaby, 1734?-1812, English divine and traveller. The first edition of this account of his travels in North America was issued earlier in the same year in quarto. The Introduction (repeated in this edition) is dated from Greenwich, January 23, 1775. The colonies visited were Virginia (where he stayed with “colonel” Washington at Mount Vernon), Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts-Bay, and New Hampshire. The General Observations begin on page 155, and are followed by a Calendar of the weather for the years 1760 to 1762. The book was translated into French, and was reprinted in Pinkerton’s Voyages , Volume XIII.
American Farmer. by S t. John de Crevecoeur.
1815 Catalogue, page 121, no. 181, as above, 8vo.
CRÈVECOEUR, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de.
Letters from an American Farmer: describing certain provincial Situations, Manners, and Customs, not generally known; and conveying some Idea of the Late and Present Interior Circumstances of the British Colonies in North America. Written, for the information of a friend in England, by J. Hector St. John, a farmer in Pennsylvania. A New Edition, with an accurate Index. London: Printed for Thomas Davies, and Lockyer Davis, mdcclxxxiii . [1783.]
8vo. 172 leaves, 2 folded engraved maps, the last leaf for Davies’s advertisements, Advertisement to the Second Edition on A 4 verso, the Dedication to the Abbé Raynal signed from Carlisle, in Pennsylvania; 2 lines of errata on the last page of text.
Halkett and Laing III, 321 [By Hector St. John Crevecoeur].
Sabin 17496.
This edition not in Boucher de la Richarderie.
Winsor VIII, 489.
Entered similarly by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue.
Jefferson’s copy was a gift from the author, who wrote from Paris on April 16, 1787 (signing himself St. John Crevecoeur), to Jefferson, at that time in Nice: “As a feeble tho’ sincere acknowledgement for your excellent notes on Virginia , as well as for your kindness, & Permit me to offer you the Second Edition of the Amer. Far’s Letters. Spite of all my Care, a great number of Faults are to be found in it, for never before had I seen such Profligate careless Men as the Journeymen Printers I have had to do with . . .”
On May 18, 1785, Crèvecoeur (signing his letter St. John) had written from New York to Jefferson in Paris: “. . . I am much obliged to you for your Care in Correcting errors in the Cultivator’s Letters--I left so Many Manuscripts whilst I was confined, that ’tis no wonder Errors in Fact shou’d have made their way in my Poor composition--for I ”
Volume IV : page 199
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