Volume IV : page 197
Ogden’s tour through Canada. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 67, as above, thro’ for through.
[OGDEN, John Cosens.]
A Tour, through Upper and Lower Canada. By a Citizen of the United States. Containing, a View of the present State of Religion, Learning, Commerce, Agriculture, Colonization, Customs and Manners, among the English, French, and Indian Settlements. [--A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend, Descriptive of the Different Settlements, in the Province of Upper Canada.] Printed at Litchfield, (according to Act of Congress) 1799.
F1013 .O33 [ not “.033”-- Ed.]
First Edition. 12mo. 2 parts in 1 with continuous signatures and pagination, together 60 leaves; A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend begins with a half title on H 4 recto, H 3 is a blank.
Sabin 56818.
Trumbull 1208.
Staton and Tremaine 729.
This edition not in Morgan, Bibliotheca Canadensis.
John Cosens [ or Cozzens] Ogden, was living in Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1799, as is shown by his correspondence with Jefferson in that year. Ogden mentioned his tour to Canada in his Excursion into Bethlehem & Nazareth [no. 4011], page 85: This effect upon the natives, I have seen in my tour through Canada, while they attended mass and other devotions, in the chapels, at Point-au-Tremble near Quebec and the Algonquin village near Montreal. When they were asked, do you worship these? they invariably answered no, with marks of abhorrence . . .
Voiages de Liancourt dans les Etats Unis. 8. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 127, no. 177, as above, but reading Voyage de Liancour.
La ROCHEFOUCAULD-LIANCOURT, François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de.
Voyage dans les États-Unis d’Amérique, fait en 1795, 1796 et 1797. Par La Rochefoucault-Liancourt. Tome Premier. [-Huitième] A Paris: chez Du Pont, Imprimeur-Libraire; Buisson, Libraire; Charles Pougens, Libraire, l’An VII de la République. [1799.]
E164 .L3
First Edition. 8 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, Voyage au Nord-Ouest et au Nord en 1795, 196 leaves, folded engraved Carte des Etats-Unis Provinces Septentrionales; Vol. II, Suite du Voyage au Nord-Ouest et au Nord en 1795, 180 leaves; Vol. III, Suite de Voyage au Nord-Ouest et au Nord in 1795, 196 leaves, list of Errata on S 1, page [273], followed by the Table des Matières de la première partie, pages [275]-384; Vol. IV, Seconde Partie, Voyage au Sud en 1796, 180 leaves; Vol. V, Suite du Voyage au Sud en 1796, 204 leaves, folded engraved Carte des Etats-Unis Provinces Méridionales, on page [303] begins the Table des Matières de la Seconde Partie, comprenant les Tomes IV et V; Vol. VI, Voyage a Fédéral-City en 1797, 172 leaves; Vol. VII, 2 parts in 1, continuous signatures, Voyage a Bethlehem et dans le Jersey en Juin 1797, Observations générales sur les Etats-Unis, together 188 leaves, folded engraved Carte Générale des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, Vol. VIII, 126 leaves, 2 folded printed tables inserted, VI numbered and folded Tables at the end, Tables des Matières and Errata lists.
Sabin 39056.
Quérard IV, 568.
Faribault 371.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 67.
In the second part of this work beginning with Volume IV, the Voyage au Sud, there are a number of references to Jefferson, and in the fifth volume is a long account of him and of Monticello. Some of the more interesting passages are as follows:
Volume IV, page 298, after giving a detailed description of the Capitol at Richmond, copied from the Maison Carrée at Nismes, mais sur une beaucoup plus grande échelle, the author explains: C’est M. Jefferson qui, pendant son ambassade en France, en a envoyé le modéle . . .
Vol. V, pages 13 to 38 contain the chapter headed: Monticello. M. Jefferson; sa culture comparée à celle du pays.
A great deal of this chapter is occupied with Jefferson as a farmer, and includes descriptions of the various farm equipment and machinery used by him, with particular reference to the local inventions of Oliver Evans and
Volume IV : page 197
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