Volume IV : page 196

Ogden’s excursion to Bethlehem. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 73, as above.
OGDEN, John Cosens.
An Excursion into Bethlehem & Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in the year 1799; with a succinct History of the Society of United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. By John C. Ogden, Presbyter in the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States. Philadelphia: Printed by Charles Cist, m,dccc . [Copy-Right secured.] [1800.]
F159 .B5 O3 [ not “.B503”- -Ed.]
First Edition. 12mo. 86 leaves, including the first blank, 3 lines of errata on the last page.
Sabin 56815.
Field 1152.
John Cosens [ or Cozzens] Ogden, 1751-1800, a graduate of Princeton, was ordained to the ministry in 1786. He became an active and zealous missionary, founded a number of churches, and died at Chestertown, Indiana, in 1800. This book includes an account of the massacre of Christian Indians at Salem and Gnadenhutten. John C. Ogden was in correspondence with Jefferson from Litchfield [Connecticut] gaol in 1799. See no. 3209 and 3219.
Histoire geographique de la Nouvelle Ecosse. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 124, no. 66, as above.
[LAFARGUE, Etienne de, translator.]
Histoire géographique de la Nouvelle Ecosse, contenant le détail de sa situation, de son étendue & de ses limites; ainsi que des différens démêlés entre l’Angleterre & la France, au sujet de la possession de cette Province: où l’on en démontre l’importance, tant par rapport à notre Commerce, que pour la sûreté de nos autres Etablissemens dans l’Amerique Septentrionale: avec une exacte Description des Bayes, Ports, Lacs & Rivieres; de la Nature & des Productions du Pays, & des Mœurs & Usages des Indiens. A Londres: m. dcc. xlix . [1749.]
F1037 .G35
First Edition of this translation. Sm. 8vo, 85 leaves.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Barbier II, 812.
Quérard IV, 389.
Sabin 56137.
Staton and Tremaine 211.
This edition not in Gagnon.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 2.0.
Etienne de Lafargue, 1728-1795, French writer. The authorship of the English work of which this is a translation, one of the earliest statements of French and English rival claims in Nova Scotia, is not known. In his French translation, which may have been printed in Paris, Lafargue has added notes setting forth the French point of view on boundaries, treaty rights, and other matters.
Present state of Nova Scotia. 8 vo. 1786.
1815 Catalogue, page 126, no. 169, as above.
An Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia . . . Edinburgh: Printed for William Creech and T. Longman London, m,dcc,lxxvi. [1786.] [ sic.-- Ed.]
F1037 .H73
First Edition. 8vo. 83 leaves; the flyleaves in the copy in the Library of Congress are watermarked with the date, 1798.
Halkett and Laing I, 19.
Sabin 32543.
This edition not in Staton and Tremaine.
Not in Field.
Morgan, p. 193.
Jefferson ordered a copy of this book in a letter dated from Paris, September 13, 1786, to John Stockdale of London, specifying Longman as the publisher.
The dedication to the Right Honourable John Lord Sheffield is signed The Author. The second edition, published in the following year has a map, S. Hollingsworth Fecit. The chapter headings include Fisheries, Indians, Beasts, Fur Trade, and others.

Volume IV : page 196

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