Volume III : page 461

J. 40
Law on money & trade. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 99. no. 77, as above.
LAW, John.
Money and Trade Considered: with a proposal for supplying the nation with money. First published at Edinburgh mdccv. By the celebrated John Law, Esq; afterward Comptroller-General of the Finances of France. Glasgow: Printed and sold by R. and A. Foulis, m.dcc.lx . [1760.]
HG937 .L38
Sm. 8vo. 114 leaves, the last for list of books printed by R. and A. Foulis.
Lowndes III, 1322.
Sabin 39313.
McCulloch 161.
Rebound in green buckram by the Library of Congress in 1927. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Entered by Jefferson without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
John Law of Lauriston, 1671-1729, Scots financier and controller-general of French finance, was the founder of the Mississippi scheme, of which this work contains the germ.
J. 41
Prospectus du Dictionnaire de commerce de l’Abbé Morellet. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 103. no. 334, as above.
Prospectus d’un Nouveau Dictionnaire de Commerce. Par M. l’Abbé Morellet. En cinq volumes in - Folio proposés par souscription . . . A Paris: Chez les Freres Estienne, m.dcc.lxix . [1769.]
HF1001 .M8
First Edition. 8vo. 214 leaves, the last a blank, the last 17 leaves for the Catalogue d’une Bibliotheque d’Économie Politique, with separate signatures and pagination, the half-title in the previous sheet.
Quérard VI, 308.
McCulloch, page 62.
Contemporary French calf, the back gone, marbled endpapers, silk bookmark, r.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
For a biographical note on Morellet see no. 2446. The Commercial Dictionary, which was to extend to five or six volumes folio, was never finished. Morellet worked on it until the Revolution, when he was compelled to abandon the enterprise.
J. 42
L’Intelligence du commerce de Malisset. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 100. no. 337, as above.
MALISSET d’HERTEREAU, Jean Baptiste Antoine.
La Parfaite Intelligence du commerce ou se trouvent les Connoissances & les renseignemens les plus utiles à diverses classes de citoyens, & particuliérement aux Armateurs, Négocians, Navigateurs, Commissionaires, Agens, Courtiers de Commerce, Fabricans, Artisans, Commis, Gens d’affaires, &c. Le tout distribué de maniere a faciliter les recherches des lecteurs. Par M. Malisset. Deux volumes in- 8 o. prix 9 liv. chacun. Tome Premier. [-Second.] Imprimé à Andenarde, & se vend à Paris; Chez Lamy, l’Auteur, Et chez les principaux Libraires des Villes les plus Commerçantes de l’Europe. m. dcc. lxxxv . Avec Approbation, & Privilege du Roi. [1785.]
HF1005 .M2

Volume III : page 461

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