Volume III : page 460

J. 38
Tableau du commerce de la Russie par le Comte Romanzoff. 3. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 105. no. 447, as above.
ROMANZOFF, comte Nicolas de.
Государственная Торговля 1802 года въ разныхъ ея видахъ. въ Санктпетербург [?-- Ed. ] При Императорской Типографіи ( St. Petersburg: The Imperial Press,-- the State College [ 1802-4]).
HF207 .A3
First Edition. 3 vol. folio. 38 leaves (including 4 folded); 39, and 42 leaves; in Russian throughout.
Vol. I, green morocco, vol. II, red straight grain morocco, vol. III, sprinkled calf, all with narrow gilt ornamental borders, marbled endpapers, g.e., vol. III with the title lettered in gold on the front cover. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate in each volume. On the fly-leaf of the third volume Jefferson has written Tableau du Commerce de la Russie en. 1802. 3.4. by Count Romanzoff.
Sent to Jefferson by the author, who has written on the fly-leaf of vol. I the presentation inscription: Monsieur Levet Haris m’ayant témoigné quil seroit agreable à Monsieur Le President des Etats Unis d’Amerique, d’avoir un tableau du co ( ~m ) erce de Russie, je saisis cette occasion avec empressement et je prie Monsieur Le President de vouloir bien accepter et conserver dans sa Bibliotheque les tableaux du comerce des années, 1802. 1803 et 1804. tels que je les ai fait publir en Russe; il voudras bien les agreer co ( ~m ) e un témoignage de la juste consideration que son merite m’inspire. Le Comte Nicolas de Romanzoff. Petersbourg le 6. Juillet 1806.
Levett Harris first mentioned these books in a letter to Jefferson written from St. Petersburg on August 10, 1806: “. . . The minister of commerce [Count Romanzoff] some time since published “Un tableau du Commerce de La Russie de 1802-1803-1804, and having expressed a desire to convey a copy of it to the President of the United States, I had no hesitation to assure him that it would be very acceptable to your Excellency, and that I would transmit it with pleasure. I accordingly sent the same, with a work of the Count Potocky, namely, L’histoire ancienne des provinces de L’Empire de Russie with the cronologie de Manethon , which the author desired me to present to you in his name. These several books I gave in charge to a M r. Allen Smith of South Carolina, who having taken passage via England, they may not possibly come so soon to hand . . .”
The books had not been received when Jefferson wrote to Harris on March 28, 1807, to acknowledge the receipt of Pallas’s Vocabulaires , obtained for him by Count Romanzoff, and added: “ . . . to this I must add by anticipation my thanks for his work on the commerce of Russia . . .
Comte Nicolas de Romanzoff, 1750-1826, Russian statesman and minister of commerce, was one of the most outstanding diplomats of the day.
J. 39
Almanac de Commerce par Tinna. 1808. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 93. no. 338, as above.
Almanach du Commerce de Paris, des Départemens de l’Empire Français, et des Principales Villes du Monde; Par J. de la Tynna, Membre de la Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie nationale. Année 1808. Prix: 8 francs. A Paris: Chez J. De La Tynna, Propriétaire-Rédacteur; Chez Capelle et Renand [de l’Imprimerie de J. H. Stone] [ 1808].
H453 .B6
8vo. 451 leaves; printer’s imprint at the end.
Original tree calf (back gone), sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers, silk bookmark (probably bound for Jefferson). With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
In the account of the États-Unis d’Amérique (pages 795, 6) Thomas Jefferson is mentioned as Président, reélu pour quatre ans le 17 février 1805.
Jean de la Tynna, 1765-1818, a Swiss, issued this almanac regularly over a period of years. His autograph signature in ink is written below the imprint.

Volume III : page 460

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