Volume III : page 462

First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 372 leaves; vol. II, 410 leaves including 34 at the end for the Supplément, with separate alphabet and pagination, marked Tome III in the lower margin; text within line borders, some parts in double columns. The title of vol. II differs slightly from that of vol. I and the author’s name is given as M. Mt. D’H.***.
Quérard V, 468.
Not in Sabin.
Not in McCulloch.
Not in Faÿ.
French calf, gilt backs, r.e., marbled endpapers, silk bookmarks. Not initialled by Jefferson, who has indicated in ink in the margin where sheet Eee in vol. II has been misbound. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered without price by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Parts of the book relate to America, and in volume I chapters VI and VII are concerned solely with North and South America. In volume II two double-page tables refer respectively to La Traité des Noirs, la Vente des Noirs.
J. 43
Recueil Alphabetique des droits des traites. 4. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 103. no. 339, as above.
Recueil Alphabétique des droits de traites uniformes, de ceux d’entrée et de sortie des cinq grosses fermes, de Douane de Lyon et de Valence, &c . . . Tome Premier [-Quatrieme]. [ Lyon: J. S. Grabit] 1786.
HJ6910 .M2
First Edition. 4 vol. 234, 280, 210 and 149 leaves, vol. I with the additional half sheet called for by an Avis au Relieur on the verso of the half-title leaf.
Barbier III, 49.
Quérard V, 430.
Contemporary French calf, marbled endpapers, silk bookmarks. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress bookplate.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 20.
On May 21, 1787, Jefferson, on the Canal of Languedoc, approaching Toulouse, wrote to William Short: “ . . . desire Frouillé to procure for me immediately le Recueil alphabetique des droits de traites uniformes. 4 v. 8 vo. printed in 1786. &, as is said, at Lyons . . .
Magnien-Grandpré, 1745-1811, French scholar, was administrator of customs.
Commerce de l’Amerique par Marseille. 2. v. in 1. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 95. no. 406, as above.
Le Commerce de l’Amérique par Marseille, ou explication des Lettres-Patentes du Roi, portant reglement pour le commerce qui se fait de Marseillle [sic] aux Isles Françoises de l’Amérique, données au mois de Février 1719. Et des Lettres-Patentes du Roi, pour la liberté du commerce a la Côte de Guinée, données à Paris au mois de Janvier 1716. Avec les Reglemens que ledit commerce a occasionnés. Par un Citadin* Tome Premier. [-Second.] A Avignon, m.dcc.lxiv . [1764.]
HF3211 .C5
First Edition. 2 vol. 4to. 312 and 314 leaves, engraved frontispieces by Arrivet, 10 engraved maps (9 folded), xi numbered plates.
Barbier I, 649.
Quérard II, 117.
Sabin 11812 (wrong number of plates).
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 24.
Nothing seems to be known about Chambon, except that he was receveur des fermes. The name Chambon was well known in Avignon.
J. 45
S wann sur la commerce entre la France et des Etats Unis. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 104. no. 353, as above with reading Swan.
SWAN, James.
Causes qui se sont opposées aux progrès du commerce, entre la France, et les États-Unis de l’Amérique. Avec les moyens de l’accélérer, & la comparaison de la

Volume III : page 462

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