Volume III : page 444

J. 12
Provedimenti annonarj dal Fabbroni. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 103. no. 325, as above.
[FABBRONI, Giovanni.]
Dei Provvedimenti Annonarj. In Firenze mdccciv . Nella Stamperìa Reale. Con Approvazione. [1804.]
HC307 .T9 F2
First Edition. 8vo. 242 leaves, folded table; the text ends on f.21 2 (page 323) and is followed by the Appendice. The dedication to Il signor Conte Odoardo Salvatico is signed Giovanni Fabbroni.
Calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, bound for Jefferson by March in August 1805 (price $1.00). Initialled by Jefferson at f.1. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Palgrave II, page 3.
Fabbroni wrote to Jefferson from Florence on October 1, 1804, and sent him a copy of the book: “Mi serva di pretesto a richiamare alla vostra memoria il nome oscuro di un Uomo che vi venera, e ammira, La presentazione del Tributo ch’io vi offro nel quì annesso Libro. Troverete in questo mio patriottico lavoro che sono occorsi, sventuratamente, non pochi errori Tipografici; ma vi troverete anco non poche notizie statistiche della mia Patria, dalle quali chi tanto degnamente presiede alla più interessante tralle Nazioni può forse raccogliere qualche diletto . . .”
This title is the first entered by Jefferson in his list of books acquired (from other sources than Reibelt) in 1804.
On March 15, 1805, Fabbroni again sent a copy: “. . . J’ose vous rappeller aujourdhui mes sentimens, qui sont ceux de la reconnaissance la plus vive, de la veneration la plus exaltée en prenant la liberté de vous faire hommage d’un livre qui peut en quelque sorte vous interesser, parce qu’il offre une partie de la Statistique de ce Païs. Son titre est Dei Provvedimenti Annonarj--Je le remet avec cette Lettre a M r Appleton Consul des Etats Unis à Livourne, pour vous le faire passer.”
In his letter to Jefferson of March 22 from Leghorn, Thomas Appleton wrote: “. . . I have this moment receiv’d from M r. fabbroni the inclosed book and letter which he desires I would transmit to you . . .””
Jefferson replied to Fabbroni on April 30, 1806: “ It is now some time since I recieved through the channel of m( ~ r) Appleton, our Consul at Leghorn, your letter of May [ sic ] 15. and your book Dei provvedimenti Annonarj for which I pray you to accept my thanks. the subject of the latter is among the most interesting to man; it is luminously treated, & cannot fail to have effect when the state of the world shall leave legislators the necessary leisure to attend to the amelioration of the condition of those committed to their charge. but during the heavy afflictions under which Europe has for some time suffered, it is not to be wondered at, if the correction of those antient errors & abuses, which philosophy has so clearly exposed, should give place to evils more pressing & which engross all the attention of governments. wars, volcanos, famine & disease, have in different portions of that country been committing their combined ravages on the race of man. we are happy in our distance from the scenes of so much trouble. war, volcanoes, famine, are unknown to us . . .
From the above it would seem that Jefferson must have had two copies. Only one is entered is his catalogue, and was sold to Congress in 1815.
Other works of Giovanni Fabbroni, 1752-1822, Italian savant, appear in this catalogue. Dei provvedimenti annonarj was written to advocate free trade in corn.
J. 13
Il Colbertismo dal Mengotti. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 98. no. 311, as above.
MENGOTTI, Francesco.
Il Colbertismo Dissertazione coronata dalla reala società economica Fiorentina Li 13 Giugno 1792. Di Francesco Mengotti socio delle reali Accademie de’Geor-

Volume III : page 444

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