gofili de Firenze, e delle Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti di Padova. Edizione
Seconda Riveduta dall’Autore. In
. Presso
Tommaso Bettinelli. Con Approvazione, e Privilegio. [1792.]
HB105 .C6 M5
8vo. 68 leaves.
McCulloch, page 64 (not this edition).
Old half calf. Not marked by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
This and the next following entry were sent to Jefferson by
Reibelt who wrote from Baltimore on October 15, 1805: “. . . 4) Je vous prie de regarder les deux Mengotti, qui sortent de ma petite bibliotheque--comme faisant partie de votre
Grande. (:Les Ouvrages de set auteur sont extrement rares:)--
"et 5) de me les preter (:a son tems :) . . . pour le Professeur Girardin . . .”
Jefferson replied on October 19: “
. . . Mengotti is accepted thankfully, and now returned for the purpose you desired . . .”
Conte Francesco Mengotti, 1749-1830, Italian economist and lawyer. The first edition of this work was published in Firenze in the same year. “By Colbertism
Mengotti means the mercantile system of policy of which he is a strenuous opponent.”
With this is bound:
Statistica Economico-Normale. Illustrata con una Prefazione.
1805. Con Approvazione.
4to. 20 leaves, the last a blank. The Prefazione is signed
G. P.
Not in Manzi.
Not in McCulloch.
J. 14
Commercio de’ Romani dal Mengotti.
1815 Catalogue, page 95. no. 402, as above.
Del Commercio de’ Romani Dalla prima Guerra Punica a Costantino Dissertazione coronata dall’ Accademia Reale delle Iscrizioni
e Belle Lettere di Parigi
li xiv. [font
Ed.] Novembre
mdcclxxxvi. Di Francesco Mengotti dell’ Accademia delle Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti di Padova Traduzione dal Francese.
. Nella Stamperia del
Seminario. Con Licenze de’ Superiori. [1787.]
HF377 .M5
4to. 60 leaves in fours, the last a blank; engraved numismatic vignette by Scattaglia on the title-page.
Old half calf, pink silk bookmark. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
McCulloch, page 64.
A gift from Reibelt--see the previous entry.
With this is bound:
de COSSIGNY, Joseph François.
Observations sur le Manuel du Commerce des Indes Orientales, et de la Chine. Par J. F. Charpentier Cossigny, Ex-Ingénieur, Membre honoraire de la Société asiatique de Calcutta, Membre de la Société d’Agriculture du Département de
la Seine, et de celle Académique des Sciences; Associé de la Société littéraire des Arts de Batavia; de celles d’Agriculture
de Besançon et de Douay, et de celle d’Emulation de l’Ile de France; Correspondant de l’Institut National de France.
Paris: de l’Imprimerie de
Gagnard, Juin