science of domestic policy in free nations. In which are particularly considered population, agriculture, trade, industry,
money, coin, interest, circulation, banks, exchange, public credit, and taxes. By Sir James Steuart, Bart . . . In
two volumes. Vol. I [-II].
London: Printed for
A. Millar, and
T. Cadell,
. [1767.]
HB151 .S7
First Edition. 2 vol. 4to. 334 and 338 leaves, folded table in each volume, list of errata at the end.
Lowndes V, 2511.
McCulloch, page 11.
Sir James Steuart, 1712-1780, Scottish political economist, took the surname Denham in 1773 on inheriting property. He had previously spent
much time in exile as an adherent of the Stuarts. According to McCulloch this is the first English work on political economy
which has “any pretensions to be considered as a systematic or complete view of the subject.”
J. 10
Meditazione sulla oeconomia politica dal Beccaria.
1815 Catalogue, page 100. no. 312, as above.
Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica. Genova: Presso
Ivone Gravier, Nella Stamperia di
Adamo Scionico,
. Con licenza de’ Sup. [1771.]
HB157 .V55
First Edition. 8vo. 83 leaves, publisher’s advertisements on the last leaf.
Seligman XV, 239.
McCulloch, page 26.
Contemporary calf, gilt, label on the back lettered
Becc /
Oeco /
Poli. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
On the title is written in ink
dal Beccaria, presumably before Jefferson acquired the book, and accounting for his entry as above, and for a number of ghosts in the
early Library of Congress catalogues.
Conte Pietro Verri, 1728-1797, Italian economist. This work went through six or seven editions within two years of its publication.
J. 11
Foronda de la economia politica.
3. v.
Foronda Miscellanea.
1815 Catalogue, page 98. no. 323, as above (Jefferson’s first entry only).
Valentin de.
Cartas sobre los asuntos mas exquisitos de la economía-política, y sobre las leyes criminales: escritas por Don Valentin de Foronda, de la Real Academia de Ciencias y bellas artes de Burdeos . . . Tomo primero [-segundo].
mdcclxxxix. [-
En la imprenta de
Manuel Gonzales. Con las licencias necesarias. [1789, 1794.]
HB169 .F72
First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. 128 and 116 leaves: A-R
8, S
2; A-O
8, P
4, list of errata on the last leaf.
This edition not in Palgrave, not in Palau, and not in Colmeiro (1 vol., 1794 only).
Miscelanea, ó coleccion de varios discursos. Por D. Valentin de Foronda.
Segunda edicion.
Con licencia:
Madrid: En la imprenta de
Manuel Gonzalez,
. [1793.]
HB169 .F75 1793
8vo. 114 leaves: [ ]
4, A-Z, AA-DD
4, [ ]
2, the last leaf folded, with the Indice.
Palau III, 2364.
This edition not in Colmeiro.
The three volumes bound in contemporary crushed red morocco, gilt borders on the sides, gilt backs, tooled to different designs
on the three volumes, labels on the back lettered
Foronda /
Economia /
Politica /, and the volume number, Tom: I, II, III; silk bookmarks, volume I with silk linings, volume II and III with marbled paper
end leaves, g.e.; initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Other works by Foronda appear in this catalogue.