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lished this work in 1765, with the title Laws and Policy of England, relating to Trade. Franklin and Whately entered into correspondence on the subject, and to this second edition, 1774, also published anonymously, Franklin’s notes were printed with Whately’s consent.
In this copy these notes are so marked by Jefferson; in another copy in the Library of Congress from the library of William Vaughan, the latter has written on the fly-leaf: The Notes by Franklin. The information given by Sewell [i.e. the publisher of the book] to W. V.
J. 7
Claims of literature by David Williams. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 106. no. 108, Williams’s Claims of Literature, 8vo.
[WILLIAMS, David.]
Claims of Literature: the origin, motives, objects, and transactions, of the Society for the Establishment of a Literary Fund. London: Printed for William Miller, Bookseller to the Society, by W. Bulmer and Co., 1802.
PN22 .R55
First Edition. 8vo. 143 leaves, printed on thick paper, list of subscribers at the end.
Lowndes V, 2930.
Not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
Straight grain English red morocco, gilt ornaments on the back, silk bookmark, g.e., probably a presentation binding; initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. The author’s name written in ink on the title-page, not by Jefferson; a word of text supplied in ink on page 88. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
On the fly-leaf is written: To Thomas Jefferson President of the States of America from the Founder, David Williams.
On November 14, 1803, Jefferson wrote from Washington to Williams: “ I have duly recieved the volume on the Claims of literature which you did me the favor to send me through m( ~ r) Monroe, & have read with satisfaction the many judicious reflections it contains on the condition of the respectable class of literary men. the efforts for their relief, made by a society of private citizens, are truly laudible; but they are, as you justly observe, but a palliation of an evil, the cure of which calls for all the wisdom & the means of the nation . . .
David Williams, 1738-1816, founder of the Royal Literary Fund, was born in Glamorganshire. He was a friend of Benjamin Franklin, who visited him at his home, and was a member of a club formed at Chelsea by Williams, Thomas Bentley and James Stuart. Franklin helped Williams in the compilation of his Liturgy on the Universal Principles of Religion and Morality. The Royal Literary Fund, formed to give aid to distressed men of talent, is still in existence.
L d. Lauderdale on public wealth. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 99. no. 324, Lauderdale on the nature and origin of public wealth, 8vo.
MAITLAND, James, Earl of Lauderdale.
An Inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth, and into the means and causes of its increase. By the Earl of Lauderdale. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co. London: T. N. Longman & O. Rees, 1804.
First Edition. 8vo. 246 leaves, folded table. No copy was seen for collation.
Palgrave II, 574.
Purchased by Jefferson during the year 1804, included in a list in his handwriting of books bought in that year.
James Maitland, Eighth Earl of Lauderdale, 1759-1839, succeeded to his Scottish peerage in 1787, and was one of the managers of Warren Hastings’ impeachment. This work was several times reprinted and was translated into French.
Steuart’s political oeconomy. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 104. no. 397, Stewart’s Political Economy, 2 v 4to.
DENHAM, Sir James Steuart.
An Inquiry into the principles of Political Oeconomy: being an essay on the

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