Volume III : page 441

On commerce & Luxury.
i. Of Commerce and Luxury . . . Philadelphia: Printed, from the London edition, by T. Lang, m,dcc,xci . [1791.]
28 leaves; original fly-leaf at the beginning and the end.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Evans 23648.
Uncut; on the fly-leaf is written: Presented to Thomas Jefferson, Esq. Secretary of State by his obedient humble Servant The Printer.
Attributed to Noah U. Norton.
Discours sur l’influence du commerce sur l’esprit et les moeurs.
ii. [LIQUIER, André.]
Discours qui a remporté le Prix de l’Académie de Marseille, en 1777, sur cette question: Quelle a été dans tous les temps l’influence du commerce sur l’esprit & les moeurs des peuples? . . . A Amsterdam: et se trouve à Paris, Chez Demonville. Et à Marseille, Chez Mossy, m. dcc. lxxvii . [1777.]
First Edition. 38 leaves, the last a blank.
Barbier I, 1030.
Quérard V, 322.
André Liquier, a merchant of Marseilles, became a member of the “Assemblée constituante”. A refutation of this discourse was published by Chrétien Le Roy in 1779.
lettre Physiocratique de Du Pont. (Title wanting. )
iii. [DUPONT de NEMOURS, Pierre Samuel.]
A Messieurs de la Societé d’Emulation de Londres. [ Paris, 1767.]
22 leaves only; begins on sig. B with the caption title as above; signed and dated at the end: Du Pont. De Versailles, le 4 Fevrier, 1767; four lines of Errata at the end.
The gift of Benjamin Franklin to Jefferson, who has written on the first page: The gift of Doct r. B. [ Franklin to Th: Jefferson.] The portion of the inscription shown in brackets has been torn away.
It seems probable that the piece had lost its title-page before Jefferson acquired it as his inscription is written on the first page, which also has the binder’s number 3 in ink.
Principles of trade. the Notes by D r. Franklin.
iv. [WHATELY, George.]
Principles of Trade. Fredom [ sic -- Ed. ] and protection are its best suport; industry, the only means to render manufactures cheap. Of coins; exchange; and bountys; particularly the bounty on corn. By a Well-Wisher to his King and Country. With an Apendix. Containing reflections on gold, silver, and paper pasing as mony. The second edition corected and enlarg’d . . . London: Printed for Brotherton and Sewell, mdcclxxiv . [1774.]
4to. 34 leaves only; 7 leaves at the end for the Appendix (title lacking), with separate signatures and pagination. The dedication dated March 1774.
Halkett and Laing IV, 431.
Ford 320.
Stevens 78.
The gift of Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Jefferson who has written on the title-page: The gift of Doct r. B. Franklin to Th: Jeffers [ on], and at the foot of page 2: notes marked B. F. are Doct r. Franklin’s . Jefferson himself has marked the passages (printed in italics) by Franklin, and has written the initials B. F. beside them in the margins (some cut off by the binder).
George Whately, d. 1791, English economist, first pub-

Volume III : page 441

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