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<13 coll left>
790 Lucianus, Greek and Latin, Cognati et Sambuci, 4 vols. 12 mo. Basil.
791 Erasmi Colloquia, Elzevir, 16 mo .
792 Erasmi Apophthegmata, Amst. 1671, 12 mo. . . .
793 Plinii Epistolæ, Lat. Fr. De Sacy, 2 vols. 12 mo.
794 Brown’s Works, 1 st vol. 12 mo.
795 Turkish Spy, 3 d vol. 12 mo.
796 Traits of the Aborigines of America, by Mrs. Sigourney, 8 vo.
797 Ovidii Epistolæ Heroidum, Minellii, Roterd. 1678, 12 mo.
798 Pindari Olymp. Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia, Gr. Lat.H. Stephani, p.f.
799 Elwes’ Potomac muse, 12 mo.
800 Æsop, Gr. Lat. Oxon. 1718, 8 vo.
801 Croxall’s Æsop, Eng. 12 mo.
802 Faceties d’Hierocles, Gr. Fr. de Coray, Paris, 8 vo. 1812.
803 L. Senecæ Epistolæ. et M. Seneca Controversiales, Notis Gronovii, Elzevir, 3 vols. 12 mo.

804 Pryor’s Works, 3 vols. 12 mo.
805 Rambler, 4 vols. 12 mo.
806 British Muse, 1 st vol. 12 mo.

807 Aristotelis Logica, Gr. Lat. 12 mo.
808 Aristotelis Rhetorica, Gr. Lat. Riccoboni, 12 mo.
809 Cicero de Oratore, Pearce, 8 vo. Cantab.
810 Cicero de Arte Oratoriâ, Proust. Delphini, 2 vols. 8 vo. Oxon.
811 Oratores, Græci, Reiske, Commentariis, Var. Lipsiæ. 1770—'5, 12 vols. 8 vo. Reiske.
812 Lysias, Gr. Lat. Auger, 2 vols. 8 vo.
813 Isocrates, Gr. Lat. Auger, 3 vols. 8 vo.
814 Ciceronis Orationes, Grævii et Not. var. 6 vols. 8 vo. Amstel.
815 Orationes ex Historicis Latinis, 16 mo. Paris
816 Plinii Panegyricus Trajani, Lat. Fr. par De Sacy, 12 mo.
817 Curran’s Speeches, 8 vo.
818 Orations, 8 vo.
819 American Speaker, 8 vo.
820 The Christian Orator, 12 mo.
821 Dwyer’s Essay on Elocution, 12 mo.
822 Œuvres complettes de Demosthene et Æschine, par Auger, 6 vols. 8 vo.
823 Discours de Lycurgue, d’Androcide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, et de Dimade, par Auger, 8 vo.
824 Œuvres Complettes d’Isocrate, par Auger, 3 vols. 8 vo.
825 Discours du Gen' l Foy, 2 vols. 8 vo.
826 Orations, (4th July,) 8 vo. [ed. parentheses in MS]
827 La Poetica de Aristoteles, Gr. Lat. Span. Heinsii, Ordonez y Florez, p. 8 vo. Madrid.
828 Chazotte on the metaphysics and philosophy of Languages, 8 vo.
829 Condorcet, Progrés de l’Esprit Humain, 8 vo.
830 Dissertations on the progress of the Sciences, by Stewart, Playfair.
831 Discours sur les prougrés des Sciences,

<13 coll right>
[ed. contd. from previous column] Lettres, et Arts, par l'Institut, avec les notes de Kestelort, 8 vo.
832 Longinus, Gr. Eng. by Smith, 12 mo.
833 Edinburgh Review, 8 vo.
834 Reviews, 8 vo.
835 Revue Encyclopedique, Julien, 8 vo.
836 Memoires des livraisons Encyclopediques, 4 to.
837 Port Royal Greek Grammar, 8 vo. two copies.
838 Valpy’s ditto. 12 mo.
839 Staughton’s ditto. 12 mo.
840 Ross’s Westminster. do 12 mo.
841 Racine's Grecques, 12 mo.
842 Primitives of the Greeks, with rules for derivation, 12 mo.
843 Comenii Janua Linguarum, Gr. Latin, French, 12 mo.
844 Stephani Thesaurus, Gr. Lin. cum Appendice, 5 vols. folio.
845 Scapulæ Lexicon, Gr. Fr. folio, Elzevir, 1652.
846 Scapulæ Lexicon, Græco-Latinum, p. 4 to. Lugduni Candidi, 1602.
847 Hederici Lexicon Gr. Lat. and Lat. Gr. 2 vols. 8 vo.
848 Schrevelii Lexicon, Gr. Lat. 8 vo.
849 Dictionnaire, Gr. Fr. par Planche, 8 vo.
850 Jones’s Gr. Eng. Lexicon, 8 vo.
851 Neilson’s Greek Exercises, 8 vo.
852 Jacob’s Greek Reader, 8 vo.
853 Tiersch’s Greek Tables, by Patton, 8 vo.
854 Buttman’s Greek Grammar, by Everett, 8 vo.
855 Hachenberg’s Gr. Grammar, by Goodrich, 12 mo.
856 Linguæ Græcæ Institutiones Grammaticæ, Ruddiman, Edinb. 8 vo.

857 Port Royal Latin Grammar, 2 vols. 8 vo. l
858 Ruddiman’s rudiments of Latin, 12 mo. . . . L
859 Barr’s Latin Grammar.
860 Smith’s do 12 mo.
861 Latin Grammar, 8 vo.
862 London Vocabulary, 12 mo.
863 Comenii Orbis Pictus Sensualium, by Hoole, 8 vo.
864 De Figuris et Prosodiâ, 12 mo.
865 Fabricii Thesaurus, fol.
866 Ducange, Glossarium mediæ et infimæ Latinitatis, 3 vols. fol. Lut. par 1678.
867 Vossii Etymologicon Linguæ Latinæ, fol. Amstel. 1662, Elzevir.
868 Calepinus Octo-linguarum, fol.
869 Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Lat. Eng. and Eng. Lat. 2 vols. 8 vo.
870 Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum, par Noël, 8 vo.
871 Mair’s Exercises, 8 vo.
872 Gradus ad Parnassum, 12 mo.

873 Dizionario del Cormon, Ital. Fr. and Fr. Ital. 2 vols. 8 vo.
874 Graglio’s Ital. and Eng. and Eng. and Ital. Dictionary, p.f.
875 Grammatica Castellana dell’ Academia, 12 mo.
876 Spanish Grammar, 12 mo.

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