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709 Lettre de Dupont sur les Finances des Etats Unis
710 Commerce and Money, Pamphlets. Excise, Chazotte, Bank, Dallas, Homo. Suggestions, Briggs, Kerchivall, Leghorn, Staunton, &c.
711 Seybert’s Statistical Annals of the United States.
712 Warden on Consulates, 8 vo.
713 Prices current, 4 to.
714 Adams’ Report on Weights and Measures, 8 vo.

715 Raymond’s Thoughts on Political Economy. 8 vo.
716 Everett’s New Ideas on Population, 8 vo.
717 Vreede sur la liberté du Commerce Maritime, 12 mo.
718 M c Vickar's Outlines of Political Economy, New York, 8 vo.
719 Commercial Tracts, 8 vo.

720 Principi di Architettura Civile dal Milizia, 3 vols. 8 vo. Bassano, 1813.
721 A Compleat Body of Architecture, fol. [ascribed to Inigo Jones] by Ware. [ed. brackets in MS]
722 Abregé de Vitruve. 12 mo. Paris 1674.
723 Bibliotheque d’Architecture de Iombert, 4 vols. 8 vo. Vignola, Palladio, Scamozzi et Chambray.
724 Petit Tresor des Artistes, (Gravures,) 8 vo. [ed. parentheses in MS]
725 Pamphlets in Fine Arts, 8 vo. Philadelphia Society of Artists, Museum, Philermenian, Davis, Girardin, The Combustible, Gregoire, Barlow.
726 Boardman’s Musæum Etruriæ. 8 vo.
727 Wheatley on Modern Gardening. 8 vo. Lond.
728 Histoire de la peinture en Italie, 2 vols. 8 vo.
729 Illustrations of Goëthe’s Faustus, 4 to.
730 Mitford’s Principles of Architecture, 8 vo.

731 Homeri Ilias, cum Scholiis de Villoison, fol.
732 Homeri Ilias, Heyne, Gr. Lat. Schol. 9 vols. 8 vo.
733 Homeri Opera, Clarkii et Ernestii 5 vols. 8 vo.
734 Clavis Homerica, Patrick, 2 vols. 8 vo.
735 Fabulæ Homericæ de Ulixe, Columbi. Lug. Bat. 8 vo.
736 Apollonius Rhodius, Not. Var. Shaw, Oxon, 8 vo.
737 Coluthus, Gr. Lat. Lennep. Leovardiæ. 8 vo.
738 Quintus Calaber, Gr. Lat. curante de Pauw. 8 vo. Lug. Bat.
739 Virgil Heynii, 4 vols. 8 vo.
740 Id. Min. Ellii. 12 mo. Amstel. Wetstenii.
741 Milton’s Paradise Lost, 2 vols. 12 mo. Lond. 1784.
742 Il Camillo del Botta, 12 mo.

743 Achilles Tatius et Parthenius, Gr. Lat. 12 mo. Commelin.
744 Heliodorus Commelini, Gr. Lat. 8 vo.
745 Les Amours Pastoral de Daphnis et Chloe, d’Amyot.

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746 Don Quixote, ed. de l’Academia, 4 vols. 12 mo.
747 Don Quichotte, 12 mo.
748 Decameron del Boccacci, 12 mo. Amster. 1665.
749 Æschylus, Gr. Comment. Schutzii, Halæ, 1809. et Fr. du Theil, Eng Potter 7 vols. 8 vo.
750 Æschylus, Gr. Fr. du Theil, 2 vols. 8 vo.
751 Do. Gr.
752 Do. English,Potter, 8 vo
753 Sophocles cum Scholiis, 2 vols. 12 mo. Cantab. 1665.
754 Potter’s Translation of Sophocles, 8 vo.
755 Euripides, Gr. Lat. ex recensione Musgrave, 5 vols. 8 vo.
756In Euripidem Scholia Arsenii, 8 vo. Venet. 1534.
757 Euripide de Prevost, 4 vols. 12 mo.
758 Potter’s Euripides, 2 vols. 8 vo.
759 Senecæ Tragœdiæ. Amster.

760 Æschyli Chëorephorœ, Porson, Gr. Lat. Burneii Glas. 12 mo.

761 Aristophanes Brunckii, Gr. Lat. Argentorati, 1783, 6 vols. 8 vo.
762 Aristophanes, 2 vols. p.f. Gr. Lat.
763 Lexicon Aristophanicum Græco-Anglicum, Sanxay, 8 vo.
764 Aristophane de Poinsinet de Sivry, Fr. 4 vols. 8 vo.
765 Terentius. Cami. Delph. 8 vo. Lond. 1769.
766 Terentius, Foul. 8 vo.
767 Terentius, Minellii, Venetiis, 1769, 12 mo.
768 Lucrece de la Grange, Lat. Fr. 2 vols. 8 vo.
769 Horatius. Desprez. Delph. 2 vols. 8 vo.
770 Horatius, Minellii, Lug. Bat. 1744, 12 mo.
771 Horatius, Bond, 12 mo.
772 Horace de Dacier, Lat. Fr. 10 vols. 12 mo.
773 Juvenal, Ruperti, 4 vols. 8 vo. Lipsiæ, 1801.
774 Juvenal, Schrevelii, Not. var. 8 vo
775 Juvenal, -------- Delphini, 8 vo.
776 Juvenal Farnabii, p.f.
777 Ovidii Opera, Burmanni, 16 mo.
778 Ovidii Metamorph. Minellii, 12 mo.
779 Ovidii Metamorph. Minellii, Roterd. 1686, 12 mo.

780 Gnomici Poetæ Græci. Gr. Lat. Brunck. Argentorati, 1784, 8 vo.
781 Poetæ Minores Græci. Gr. Latin, 8 vo. Lond. 1712.
782 Buchanani Psalmi 12 mo. Lond. 1686.
783 Anacreon, Gr. Lat. Barnes, 12 mo.
784 Ovidii Tristia, Lat. Eng. by Arden, 8 vo.
785 Hudibras, p.f.
786 M cFingal, 12 mo.
787 Œuvres de Rabelais, 2 vols. 12 mo. Amsterdam, 1752.
788 Poetical Preceptor, 8 vo.
789 Lucianus, Greek and Latin Hempsterhusii et Reitzii, 10 vols. 8 vo. Bipont. 1789.

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