Poor Catalogue - page 14

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877 Dictionnaire Espagnol, Fr. and Fr. Esp. de Cormon, 2 vols. 8 vo.
878 Cubi’s Traductor Español, 12 mo.
879 Dufief’s Nature Displayed, 2 vols. 8 vo.
880 Dictionnaire François par Boiste, 8 vo.
881 Dufief’s Dict. Fr. Eng. and Eng. Fr. 3 vols. 12 mo. two copies.
882 Cubi’s Spanish Grammar, 12 mo.

883 Lewis’s Analytical Outlines of the English Language, 8 vo.
884 Russell’s Grammar of Composition, 8 vo.
885 Lowthe’s English Grammar, 12 mo.
886 Bailey’s Dictionary, 8 vo.
887 Walker’s do. 8 vo.
888 Perry’s do p.f.
889 Sheridan’s do p.f.
890 Johnson’s do 8 vo.
891 Henshall’s Saxon and Eng. Languages, pamphlet, 4 to.

892 Institutiones Grammaticæ Anglo-Sax. et Mœso Gothicæ Hickesii, 4 to, Ox. Grammatica et Dictionariolum Islandicum, &c.
893 Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Thesauro Excerpta, 8 vo. Oxon.
894 Mrs Elstob’s Rudiments of the English-Saxon Tongue, 4 to, Lond.
895 Bosworth’s Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 8 vo
896 Vocabularium Anglo-Saxon. et Latinum à Benson, 8 vo.
897 Heptateuchus, Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo-Sax. etc. Psalterium, Davidis, Latino-Saxonicum vetus Spelmanni, 4 to.
898 Evangeliorum versiones Gothicæ et Anglo-Sax. Mareschalli, 4 to. Glossarium Gothicum Francisci
899 Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon Version of Crosius, with an Eng. translation, by Barrington, 8 vo.
900 Asser Menevensis de rebus gestis Ælfridi, Lat. in Anglo-Saxon characters, Chronica et Ypodigma Neustriæ Thomæ Walsingham.
901 Annales rerum gestarum Ælfridi Asseri Menevensis, &c. 8 vo.
902 Ælfredi Magni Vita à Spelmanno, fol.

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903 Bedæ historiæ Ecclesiastica, Lat. et A.-Sax. 4 to.
904 Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, 8 vo.
905 Chronicon Saxon. Gibson, A.-Sax. et Latine, 4 to.
906 Elstob’s Eng.-Sax. and Lat. Homily on the Birthday of S t. Gregory, 8 vo.
907 Boethius' Anglo-Sax. redditus Ælfredi, à Rawlinson, 4 to.
908 Wilkins’ Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ, fol.
909 Walton’s View of Hickes’ Thesaurus, by Shelton, 4 to.
910 Morrison’s View of China, Philological) 4 to.
911 Morrison’s Chinese Dialogues, 8 vo.
912 Iroquois Spelling Book, 12 mo.
913 Pamphlets on Languages, 4 to, Adelung, Villemain.
914 Adelung, Conspectus Bibliothicæ Glotticæ Universalis.
915 Jamieson’s Hermes Scythicus, or radical affinities of the Greek, Latin, and Gothic Languages, 8 vo.
916 Selections of a Father for his Children, by Gomez, 8 vo
917 Dictionnaire d’Amusemens de l’Encyclopedie, 4 to.
918 Correspondance de Grimm, 17 vols. 8 vo.
919 Memoires et Correspondance de M de D’Epinay, 3 vols. 8 vo.
920 Cooper’s Emporium, 3 vols. 8 vo.
921 Port Folio, 1814.
922 Belfast Monthly Magazine, 1808,-'10, 3 vols. 8 vo.
923 Literary Magazine, 2 vols. 8 vo.
924 Monthly Register.
925 Analectic Magazine, 2 vols. 8 vo.
926 American Register.
927 Bibliotheque Americaine, 1806—'8.
928 Bibliographie de la France, 8 vo.
929 Tucker’s Essays on Taste, Morals, and National Policy, 8 vo.
930 Woodward’s System of Universal Science, p. fol.

931 Nicholson’s British Encyclopedia, 6 vols. 8 vo.

Poor Catalogue - page 14