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628 Miss Hulstoff’s Peace-Republican Manual, 8 vo.
629 Beccaria dei delitti e delle pene, 12 mo .
630 Idem, translated into Modern Greek, by Coray, Paris, 1823, 8 vo.
631 Roscoe on Penal Jurisprudence, 8 vo
632 Coffey’s Interior View of the New York State Prison, 12 mo
633 Dumoulin on Naturalization and Allegiance, 8 vo.
634 Romarzewski, Coup d’oeil sur la Pologne, 8 vo.
635 Almanac Royal de France. 1789, 8 vo.
636 Almanac Imperial, 1807, 8 vo.
637 Discussions Politiques, Morales, et Philosophiques par S t Simon, 2 vols. 8 vo.
638 Politics. Spanish, 8 vo.
639 Politiques, 1817—19, viz. La Coalition et la France, Opinions, Gregoire, Maubreuil, 8 vo.
640 Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, Eng. by Gillies, 2 vols. 8 vo.
641Plutarchi Politica, Gr. Coraij. Paris. 1824, 8 vo.
642 Brand de Jure Coloniarum, 8 vo.
643 De Pradt’s Europe after the Congress of Aix la Chapelle, Eng. by Otis, 8 vo.
644 Everett’s Europe, 1821, 8 vo.
645 L’Europe et l’Amerique de De Pradt, 2 vols. 8 vo

646 State Constitutions, 12 mo.
647 Journals of the Convention of 1787, 8 vo.
648 The Federalist, 2 vols. 12 mo.
649 The Federalist, Pacificus & Helvidius, 8 vo.
650 Adams’ Defence of the American Constitutions, 3 vols. 8 vo.
651 Dickerson’s Works, 1 vol. 8 vo.
652 Taylor’s Construction Construed, 8 vo.
653 Jarvis’ Republican, 12 mo.
654 Journals of Congress, 1775—1788, 12 vols. 8 vo.
655 On Weights and Measures. The Census of 1790, 8 vo.
656 State Papers, 1793, 8 vo.
657 State Papers, T.J. 1788—1794, 8 vo.
658 State Papers, 1798—1802, 5 vols. 8 vo.
659 American State Papers, 1801,—6, 8 vo.
660 Ditto 1813,—15, 8 vo
661 State Papers, 1818,—20, 2 vols. 8 vo.
662 Spanish Affairs, 1818, 8 vo.
663 State Papers, Spain, 1818,-19, 8 vo.
664 On Jay’s Treaty, by Beckley, 12 mo.
665 Gallatin on the Finances of the United States, 1796, 8 vo.
666 Callender’s History of the United States.
667 Callender’s Sketche, 1798, 8 vo.

668 Davis’s Principles of the Government of the United States.
669 Taylor’s New Views of the Constitution of the United States.
670 Observations on Public Principles and Characters, 1820, 8 vo.
671 Journals of the Senate of the United States, 1797—1800,-3, '4, 4 vols. 8 vo.
672 Journals of the House of Representatives

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[ed. contd. from previous column]of the United States, 1798, 4 vols. 8 vo.

673 Callender’s Sedgewick & Co. 1798, 8 vo.
674 Thompson’s Curtius, 12 mo.
675 Hay’s Hortensius on the Liberty of the Press, 8 vo.
676 Vindication of the Laws against Usury, from the Objections of Bentham and the Edinburgh Reviewers, by F.W. Gilmer, 12 mo.
677 Madison’s Report on the Alien and Sedition Laws, 12 mo.
678 Political Pamphlets, Cooper, de Staël, Insurances, Thornton, Improvemts, Ingersoll, Louisiana, Militia, Dallas, 8 vo
679 Pamphlets, Political Messages, Talleyrand, Dallas, Britain and U. States. Manufactures. Brig Gen. Armstrong, Zanesville, Library Comp. Garnett, Thweatt, Connecticut, Span. Col. Sinclair, Antonio, 8 vo.
680 Political, foreign. Pologne De Pradt, Ruelle, Interets Politiques, l’Empire, Jullien, Franclieu, Montholon, 8 vo.
681 Political, foreign. Scheffer, Constant, Marseille, Broglie, Coalition, 8 vo.
682 Pamphlets, Politiques de Courier, 8 vo.
683 Allen’s Olive Branch, 8 vo.
684 Lee’s Etats Unis et l’Angleterre, 8 vol.
685 Walsh’s Appeal on Great Britain vs. the United States, 8 vo.
686 The Census of 1810, fol.
687 Parliamentary Manual, 12 mo.
688 Journals of the Assembly of Virginia. 1770—1781 2 vols. fol.

689 Pamphlets, Political, 1818,—20, 8 vo , to wit: Mayhew, Banks, Melish, Tammany,National Industry, Reviewers on Slavery, Missouri Question, Piracy, Tone, Clinton, Plumer, Ragland.
690 Report of the Convention of New York, by Clarke, 1821, 8 vo.
691 Adams’ Documents of the Negotiation of Ghent, 8 vo. 1822.
692 Political Pamphlets, 8 vo.
693 Political pamphlets, 12 mo.
694 Cuningham and Pickering, 8 vo.
695 State Papers, 8 vo. 1820.
696 Ditto 1822.

697 Economie Politique de Say, 2 vols 8 vo.
698 Lettre de Dupont à M. Say, MS.
699 Tracy, Economic Politique, fol. MS.
700 D o. English, 8 vo.
701 Ricardo’s Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 8 vo.
702 Œuvres de Turget, 7 vols. 8 vo.
703 Tariff of France, 8 vo.
704 Sheffield on Commerce, 8 vo.
705 Baker’s Commerce of the Mediterranean, 8 vo.
706 Torre’s Commerce of South America, and Tables, 8 vo.
707 Addresses (Philada.) on National Industry, 8 vo. [ed. parentheses in MS]
708 Carey’s New Olive Branch on Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, 8 vo.

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