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[contd. from previous page] Sunday, Norton, Osgood’s Pulpit Lies. Bible, Pastoral.

539 Paine’s Theological Works, 8 vo.
540 A Compendium of the Doctrines of Swedenburg, 12 mo.
541 The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, by Swedenburg.
542 Christ’s Second Appearance, 8 vo.
543 Smyth’s Explanation of the Apocalypse, 12 mo.
544 Bancroft’s Sermons, 8 vo.
545 Sermons, &c. Motta, Swedenberg, Hill, Smith, Unitarian Tracts, Buzzell, Ware.

546 Religious Pamphlets. Bible Society, Parsons, Bullfinch, Webster, Fishbach, Infidelity, Bible and Sword, The Friends, &c. &c. 8 vo.
547 Pamphlets, Religious. Bible, Mission. Mason, Sandwich Islands, &c. &c. 8 vo.
548 Pamphlets, Religious. Shakers, Lyon, Noah. Cobbett, R.M. Johnson, Roman Catholics. &c.
549 Torrey’s Portraiture of Slavery, 8 vo.
550 Manuel de Piete de M. Gregoire, 12 mo
551 Religious Tracts, 8 vo.
552 Religious Pamphlets, 8 vo.

553 Blackstone’s Commentaries, 4 vls. 12 mo.
554 Review of Blackstone, 8 vo.
555 Spelmani Glossarium, fol.
556 Bridgman’s Analytical Digested Index of Cases in Equity, 3 vols. 8 vo.
557 Wythe’s Chancery Decisions, fol.
558 Do. do. 8 vo.
559 Statutes at Large, fol.
560 Wingate’s Abridgment of the Statutes, 8 vo.
561 Mercer’s Abridgment of the Laws of Virginia, 1759. 8 vo.
562 Acts of Assembly of Virginia, 1705—1772.
563 Acts of Assembly of Virginia, 1769, fol.
564 Revised Code, 1779, fol.
565 MS. of ditto.
566 Laws of Virginia, 1772—1781.
567 The Chanceller's Collection. 1785, fol.
568 Revised Bills of 1792, fol.

569 Collection of the Acts of the Assembly of Virginia, 1794, fol.
570 Randolph’s Abridgment, 1796, 4 to.
571Pleasant’s Collection, 1812, 2 vols. 8 vo.
572 Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia, 1819, 2 vols. 8 vo.
573 Hening’s Statutes at large, 8 vo.
574 Acts of Assembly, 1705—1772, fol.
575 Ordinances and Journals, 1775-6, 4 to.
576 Proceedings of Convention, 1776-6, 4 to. [Copy given by the Gen. Assem.] [ed. brackets in MS]
577 Laws of Virginia, 1775—81, fol.
578 Session's Acts, 1812.—15, 8 vo.
579 Session's Acts,1815—16, 8 vo.
580 Webb’s Virginia Justice, 8 vo.
581 Hening’s new Virginia Justice, 3 d. edit. 1820.
582 Washington’s Reports, 2 vols. 8 vo.

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583 Munford’s General Index to the Virginia Law Authorities, 8 vo.
584 Gilmer’s Reports, 8 vo.
585 Taylor’s Journal of the Law School, 8 vo.
586 Statutes of W m. and Mary College, 8 vo.
587 Duponceau on the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, 8 vo. Phila. 1824.
588 Laws of the United States, 1789, fol. [given by the President.] [ed. brackets in the MS]
589 Herty’s Laws of the United States. 1789—1802, 2 vols. 8 vo.
590 Session's Laws of the United States, 1803, ' 4, '5 and '6, 8 vo.
591 Hall’s American Law Journal. N o. 21, 22.
592 Law Tracts, 8 vo
593 Pamphlets in Law. Fletcher, Honestus, Rush, Dartmouth, Impeachments, 8 vo.
594 Cooke’s Practice in the Common Pleas, fol.
595 Modus Intrandi, 2 vols. 8 vo.
596 Trial of Charles I. fol.
597 Criminal Recorder, 12 mo.
598 Goodenow’s Principles of American Jurisprudence, 8 vo.
599 Dallas’s Reports, 3 vols. 8 vo.
600 Hall’s Law Journal, 5 th & 6 th vols. 8 vo.
601 Bland on the Power of the Judiciary to declare a law unconstitutional, 8 vo.
602 Farr’s Medical Jurisprudence, by Cooper, 8 vo.
603 The Laws of the Siete Partidas, by Moreau and Carleton, 2 vols. 8 vo.
604 Case of the Batture of New Orleans, 8 vo.
605 Kerr’s Criminal Law of New Orleans, 8 vo.
606 Forster’s Digest of the Law of Customs, 8 vo.
607 Molloy de Jure Maritimo, 8 vo.
608 Cuningham’s Law of Bills, 8 vo.
609 Scott’s Admiralty Cases, by Robinson, 2 vols. 8 vo
610 La Libertad de los Mares. tradicida por Le Brun, 12 mo.
611 Clergyman’s Law, fol.
612 Burn’s Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols. 8 vo.
613 Cooper’s Justinian, 8 vo.
614 Calvini Lexicon Juridicum, fol.
615 Worrall’s Bibliotheca Legum Angliæ. 1732- '37-'38, 3 vols. 12 mo.
616 Brooke’s Bibliotheca, 1782-'88, 12 mo.
617 Clarke’s Bibliotheca Legum. 12 mo. 1819.
618 Aristotelis Politica, Gr. Coray, 8 vo.
619 Cicero de Republica Maii, Paris.
620 Cicero de Legibus, Davisii, et Not. Var. Cantabr. 8 vo.
621 Tracy, Commentaire sur Montesquieu, MS. fol.
622 Tracy, French, 8 vo.
623 Tracy, English, 8 vo.
624 Priestley’s First Principles of Government, 12 mo .
625 Puglia, Disengaño del Hombre, 12 mo .
626 Antonio della necessita di riformase la Legislazione, p. 4 to
627 Ensor on National government, 8 vo.

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