1783 Catalog - page 65

Ouvrages de Tissot. 16 17.v. 12 mo .
Buchan’s Domestic medecine. 8 vo .
Cullen’s Practice of Physic. 4.v. 8 vo .
Darwin’s Zoonomia. 3.v. 8 vo .
Brown’s Elements of Medecine. 12 mo .
Tazewel’s Vademe cum Medicum. 12 mo .
Hippocratis Aphorismi. Gr. Lat. de Bosquillon. 2.v. 16 s . Paris. 1784.
id . . . Gr. Lat. 16 s . Glasg. Foulis.
id. notis variorum. Gr. Lat. 16 s . Langerac. 16 s . 1732.
Aphorisms of Sanctorius by Quincey. 8 vo .
Meade’s Medical works. 8 vo .
De la methode Iatroliptice par Chrestien. 8 vo .
[Hill’s old man’s guide. bound up with Washington’s journal.]
Tableau des varietiés de la vie humaine par Daignan. 2.v. 8 vo .
Adair’s medical cautions to invalids. 8 vo .
Adair’s natural history of the body & mind. 8 vo .
Peale on the means of preserving health. 8 vo .
Ricketson’s Means of preserving health. 12 mo .
Cutbush on the health of soldiers & sailors. 8 vo .

1783 Catalog - page 65

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