1783 Catalog - page 64

Tissot’s Advice. 8 vo .
Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. 8 vo .
Compendium of Physic & Surgery. Nourse. 1769. 12 mo .
Ewell’s Medical companion. 8 vo .
Astruc’s diseases of children. 8 vo .
  ✓ .
Hippocrates’s Aphorisms. Eng. by Spingell. 12 mo .
Boerhaave. Aphorismi. 12 mo .
Harvei opera. 2.v. p. 4 to .
Sydenhami opera. 4 to .
Sydenham’s works. 8 vo .
Meade’s works.
Pitcairn’s works. 8 vo .
Whytt on the vital & other involuntary motions of animals. 8 vo .
Whytt’s phisiological essays. 12 mo .
Haller’s physiology. Eng. by Mihles. 2.vols. 8 vo .
Haller’s dissertation on the sensible & irritable parts of animals 8 vo .
Uncertainty of the signs of death. 12 mo .
Mackenzie on health.
The Family companion for health 8 vo .
Hippocrates on air, water & situation. by Clifton. 8 vo .
Barry on Aliments, animal & vegetable.
Barry on the digestions & discharges of the human body. 8 vo .
Barry on the digestions of the human mind.
Bland de coctione alimentorum in Ventriculo.
Wainewright’s Non-naturals. 8 vo .
Trattati Fisici del Cocchi. p. 4 to .
Short on tea. 8 vo .

1783 Catalog - page 64

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