1783 Catalog - page 66

Baynard on cold Bathing. 8 vo .
Pringle on the diseases of the army. 8 vo .
Valentin de la ficore jaune. 8 vo .
Cleghorn on the epidemical diseases of Minorca. 8 vo .
Berthe de la maladie (ficore jaune) d’Andalousie. de 1800. 8 vo .
Macbride’s experimental essays. 8 vo .
Facts on the pestilential fever of Philadelphia. by the Coll. of Physicians. 8 vo .
Kirkpatric on the putrefaction of dead bodies. 8 vo .
Maclurg on the bile. 8 vo .
Tissot de la santé des gens de lettres. 12 mo .
Tissot de la santé des gens du monde. 12 mo . ✓ . Tissot [on] the diseases of sedentary persons. 12 mo .
Tissot des nerfs et de leurs maladies. 12 mo .
Medical transactions. 1st. vol. 8 vo .
Medic iacal Observations. 2.vols. 8 vo .
Mandeville on Hysterics. 8 vo .
Onania. 8 vo .
L’Onanisme par Tissot. 12 mo .
Turner on gleets. 8 vo .
Liger on the Gout. 8 vo .
Warner on the Gout. 8 vo .
Cadogan on the Gout. 8 vo .
Falconer’s observations on Cadogan.
Essay on the treatment of the Gout.
Cullen’s lecture on the gout. M.S.
Pfeiffer’s inaugural dissertation on the gout. 8 vo . 12 mo .
Maese’s dissertation on the rabies. 8 vo
Woodhouse’s dissertn on the Persimmon tree 8 vo .
Rogers de diserteria. 8 vo
Stokes de Asphyxia. 8 vo
Bracken’s Traveller’s pocket companion. 12 mo . 2. cop.
Gibson’s Farrier’s dispensatory. 8 vo .

1783 Catalog - page 66

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