Trist Catalogue - page [58]

1. Examination of the Scheme of Church power in the Codex, 8º.
2. Hills examination of the rights of the Christian church, 8º.
3. Jura Ecclesiastica, 2 v 8º.
4. Parson’s answer to Coke, 8º.
18. Watson’s Clergyman’s Law, fol.
5. The Clergyman’s Vade-mecum, 2 v 12º.
6. Degge’s Parson’s Councellor, 8º.
7. Johnson’s Ecclesiastical Law, 2 v 8º.
15. Burne’s ecclesiastical Law, 2 v 4º.
8. Swinburne on Wills, 2 d Ed. and last published by the author himself. 4º p.
19.        "           "      "       5 th Ed. fol.
9. Swinburne on espousals, 4º. p.
16. Godolphin’s oprphan’s Legacy, 4 th Ed. 4º.
10. Nelson’s Letters Testamentary, 8º.
11. Bohun’s Law of Tithes, 8º.
12. Pleadings for the Marquis de Gesvres, 2 d v. 12º.
13. Conset’s Practice of Ecclesiastical courts, 8º.
14. Clarke’s Praxis in Curiis Ecclesiasticis, 4º p.
Chapter 23.
Foreign Law.
43. Justinian’s Institutes, Lat. Eng. by Harris, 4º.
14. Justinian’s Institutes, Lat. Eng. with notes, by Cooper, 8º.
44. Justiniani Institutiones, Vinnii 4º.
45. Theophili Antecessoris Institutiones, Gr. Lat. Fabroti. 4º. Paris, 1638.
15. Codex Justinianus, p 4º. Paris, Regnault. 1532.
58. Corpus Juris Civilis Gothofredi, Antwerp, 2 v fol.
16.         "        "           "          "         , Læmarius, 2 v 8º. 1598.
59. Jus Græco-Romanum Leunelavii fol. Francofurti, 1596.
46. Ulpiani Fragmenta, Notis Cannegeiter, Lug. Bat. 1774, 4º.
17. Fones quatuor juris Civilis Gothofredi, Genevæ, 1653, 4º p.
18. Vinnii Partitiones Juris Civilis, 4º p.
47. Gravinoe origins Juris Civilis, Neapoli 1722. 4º.
1. Gravina, Espirit des Loix Romaines, traduit par Requirer, 3 v 12º.

Trist Catalogue - page [58]

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