Trist Catalogue - page 57

4. Cunningham’s Merchant’s Lawyer, 2 v 8º.
5.             "             Law of Bills, 8º.
6. Marius’ advice concerning bills of Exchange, 8º.
Chapter 21.
14. Us: et Coustumes de la Mer. Sc. Jugemens d’Oléron, Ordonnances de Wisby et de la Hanse-Teutonique, le Guidon, Assurances d’Anvers, Marine et Navigation par Cleirae, 4º.
1. Tracts on Marine Law, Sc. Schomberg on the Laws of Rhodes, Pastores, 8º.
2. Molloy de Jure Maritimo, 8º.
3. Brown’s compend of the Civil and Admiralty Law, 2 v. 8º.
4. Azuni’s Maritime Law of Europe, by Johnson, 2 v 8º.
15. Institutions du droit Maritime, par Boucher, 4º.
16. A Treatise on the dominion of the Sea, And a body of the Sea Laws, antient and modern, 4º.
5. La Mer-Libre et La Mer-fermèe, Analyse de Grotius et de Selden, par Champagne, 8º.
6. Barton on the freedom of Navigation and Maritime commerce, 8º.
7. Neutral rights by Jenkinson, Schlegel, Croke and York, 8º.
8. Neutral Trade, i.e. the proceedings of the U.S. on their Neutral Trade, from 1793 to 1806, 8º.
9. Pamphlets on Neutral rights-to wit, Madison, Morris, &c 8º.
10. Robinson’s Admiralty reports, 8º.
11. Cooper’s opinion on Sentences of foreign courts of admiralty, 8º.
(Allen’s Case of the Olive Branch, 2 v 8º) Post 24, nº 298. [ed. Parentheses in the MS. This notation pointed the reader to find this work in ch. 24 Politics, number 298, page 71 of the MS. This evidences that Trist used the 1815 LC catalogue to prepare his list, as it had reclassified this work from ch. 21 Maritime Law where TJ classified it in the Great Library MS, to the Politics chapter. Thus, this unnumbered notation served as a pointer to someone who expected to find the work in ch. 21, and instead would find it listed in ch. 24, which also evidences that Trist referenced TJ's Great Library MS as well.]
12. Clarke’s practice of the courts of admiralty, 12º.
13. Id. Lat. 16.
Chapter 22.
17. Gibbon’s Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 2 v fol.

Trist Catalogue - page 57

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