41. Wythe’s reports of the H. Ct. of Chancery in Vir. fol. 1795.
25. Dº. 8º. 1796.
Chapter 19.
Common Law.
Bodies of Law-Statutes-Courts-Entries-Conveyancing-
Criminal Law-Tracts-Reports.
168. Craigii Jus feudale, fol.
169. Lambard’s Archaionomis, fol. Sax. Lat.
170. Wilkin’s Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ, Sax. Lat. fol.
1. Glanvil. 12º. 1673.
2. Glanvil, editio Totteli
1 v. 12º |
Topics on the Law of England by J. C.
Noy’s Compleat Lawyer
159. Bracton. 4º. 1640.
160. Fleta, 4º.
3. Britton, by Wingate, 12º. 1640.
161. Howard Sur les Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, 4 v. 4º.
171. Fortescue, de laudibus legum Angliæ, et Hengham Magna et parva, by Selden, fol.
162. Fitzherbert’s Abridgment, Tottell, 1577, p. fol.
163. Broke’s graunde Abridgment, 4º.
6. Finch’s Law. 8º.
4. Perkins, 24.
5. Les tenures de Monsr. Littleton. 24.
172. Coke’s 1st Institute. fol.
173. 2d dº. Ed. of 1662. fol.
174. 2d dº. 6th Ed. 1681. fol.