Trist Catalogue - page [46]

10. A Treatise of Frauds, 8º.
30. Duke’s charitable uses. fol.
1. History of the Chancery. 12º.
11. Master of the rolls’ office, 8º.
2. Jus Sigilli, 16
3. Jus Appellandi. 16
4. Rules of the Court in Chancery, 12º.
5. The orders of Chancery 12º
12. Rules in R. B., C. B., and Chancery, 8º.
13. Praxis almæ Curiæ Cancellariæ, 2 v. 8º.
14. Practical register in Chancery, 8º.
15. a. A Treatise on the pleadings in the Court of Chancery, 8º.
15. b. Harrison’s Chancery practice, 2 v. 8º.
16. Hinde’s practice in Chancery, 8º.
31. Ld. Kaim’s remarkable decisions. fol.
6. Tothill’s Transactions in Chancery, 12º.
7. Carey’s reports in Chancery. 16.
32. Finch’s Reports, fol. 1673-1680
17. Nelson’s Reports, 8º. 1635-1692
33. Cases in Chancery. fol. 1660-1693
34. Freemans reports in Chancery. fol. 1676-1706
18. Reports of Cases in Chancery, 3 v. 8º. 1625-1711.
35. Vernon’s reports, 2 v. fol. 1680-1719.
19. Precedents in Chancery, 8º. 1689-1722.
36. Gilbert’s cases in the Exchecquer & Equity 1705-1725.
20. Peer Williams’s Reports, 3 v. 8º. 1695-1735.
37. Select cases in Chancery. temp. King. fol. 1724-1733.
38. Cases, tempore Talbot, fol. 1733-1736.
39. Bunbury’s reports, fol. 1714-1739.
21. Atkin’s reports, 3 v. 8º. 1736-1754.
40. Abridgment of Cases in Equity, 2 v. fol. 1756.
22. Vezey’s reports. 2 v 8º. 1746-1756
23. Ambler’s reports, 8º. 1737.1783.
24. Brown’s reports, 2 v 8º. 1778.1789.

Trist Catalogue - page [46]

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