Volume V : page 86

seruatu dignum sit apud Oratores, Historicos, Poetas, omnis denique generis scriptores, quod hic non promptum paratumque habeat. Editio Secunda. Lutetiae: apud Robertum Stephanum m. d. xliii. xii . Cal. Junii. [1543.]
2 vol. Folio. This work was issued in 3 volumes folio. Jefferson’s copy was either bound in 2 volumes, or lacked the third volume. A copy was not available for examination.
Brunet II, 1070.
Renouard, page 55, no. 7.
Maittaire, page 17.
Robert Estienne, 1503-1559, the second son of Henri Estienne, the founder of the family. This edition of 1543 is actually the third edition. The first was published in 1531 and the second in 1536. Estienne described this as the Editio Secunda “sans doute pour faire entendre que la première n’etoit à ses yeux qu’une ébauche, et devoit désormais être considerée comme non avenue.”--Renouard.
Thesaurus linguae Latinae Cooper. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 141, as above.
COOPER, Thomas.
Thesavrvs Lingvæ Romanæ & Britannicæ, tam accurate congestus, vt nihil penè in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latinè complectatur amplissimus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglicè, toties aucta Eliotæ Bibliotheca: opera & industria Thomæ Cooperi Magdalenensis. Quid fructus ex hoc Thesauro studiosi possint excerpere, & quam rationem secutus author sit in Vocabulorum interpretatione & dispositione, post epistolam demonstratur. Accessit Dictionarivm Historicum & poëticum propria vocabula Virorum, Mulierum, Sectarum, Populorum, Vrbium, Montium, & cæterorum locorum complectens, & in his iucundissimas & omnium cognitione dignissimas historias. In Thesaurum Thome Cooperi Magdalenensis, hexastichon Richardi Stephani . . . Impressum Londini. [By Henry Denham.] 1573.
Folio. 845 leaves, unnumbered. A copy of the edition of 1573 was not available; the above title was copied from the same printer’s edition of 1578, a copy of which is in the Library of Congress. The English text printed in in [ sic -- Ed. ] black letter, the Latin in roman, double columns. On the title-page is a woodcut device, a bear muzzled and chained, grimpant on a staff, as used as a crest by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, within a garter with the motto Honi Soit Qvi Mal Y Pense.
STC 5687.
Hazlitt II, 141.
This edition not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit.
Thomas Cooper, 1517?-1594, successively Bishop of Lincoln and Worcester, and remembered for his part in the Martin Marprelate controversy, produced the first edition of his Thesaurus in 1565. The edition of 1573 was the second.
Sir Thomas Elyot, 1490?-1546, first published his Dictionary of Syr T. Elyot, knyght , in 1538. The first edition revised by Thomas Cooper, with the title Bibliotheca Eliotae, was printed in 1548, and reprinted in 1552 and 1559.
For the “Stephani Thesaurus,” see no. 4793.
Holyoke’s dict. Lat. Eng. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 142, Holyoke’s Dictionary, Lat. Eng. fol.
A Large Dictionary In Three Parts: I. The English before the Latin, containing about Ten Thousand words more than any Dictionary yet extant. II. The Latin before the English, with correct and plentiful Etymological Derivations . . . III. The Proper Names of Persons, Places, and other things necessary to the under-

Volume V : page 86

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