Volume V : page 85

Sententiae pueriles. 3 vo. [ i.e.8 vo ”-- Ed.]
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 73, as above.

1839 Catalogue, page 654, no. J. 75, Lowe, Solomon: Sententiæ Pueriles; or, the Fundamental Rules of Syntax, illustrated by Latin Examples and English Exercises, 8vo; London, 1722.
LOWE, Solomon.
Sententiae Pueriles: or, the Fundamental Rules of Syntax, Illustrated by Latin Examples and English Exercises. London, 1722.
8vo. A copy was not located.
Not in any bibliography consulted with the exception of the London Catalogue of English books from 1700 to 1747, where it is listed with the price, 6d, but without the name of the author.
Not in the bibliographies of anonymous books; not listed in the British Museum Catalogue; and no card in the National Union Catalog.
Solomon Lowe, f. 1750, [ sic -- Ed. ] was the author of several books on syntax, English, Latin and French, and of a work on mnemonics.
Corderii colloquia. Lat. Fr. 2 cop. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 19, Corderii Colloquia, Lat. Fr. 12mo.
CORDIER, Mathurin.
Corderii Colloquia.
Though Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue calls for two copies it is possible that this book was not delivered to Congress. The entry in the contemporary working copy of the 1815 Library of Congress Catalogue is marked missing in ink, and is omitted from all the later catalogues. It is entered in the list of books missing from the Congressional Library made at a later date.
Mathurin Cordier, 1478-1564, French scholar, was a great friend of Robert Estienne. The first edition of his Colloquia was printed in Geneva in 1563. A number of editions in petit format were issued with a French translation. It is not possible to ascertain which edition was in Jefferson’s library.
Vossii etymologicon Romanum. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 140, as above.
VOSSIUS, Gerhard Johann.
Gerardi Joannis Vossii Etymologicum Linguae Latinae. Praefigitur ejusdem de Literarum Permutatione Tractatus. Amstelodami: apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1662. Cum S. C. Majestatis, Ordinumque Hollandiae et West-Frisiae, priveligiis.
First Edition. Folio. 338 leaves, title printed in red and black, Minerva device on the title-page. This edition was not examined; the title was copied from Willems.
Graesse VI.
Willems 1295.
Rahir 1333.
Pieters 308.
Goldsmid page 71.
For other works by Vossius, see the Index.
Stephani thesaurus linguae latinae. 2. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 139, as above.
[ESTIENNE, Robert.]
Dictionarivm, sev, Latinae Linguae Thesaurus, non singulas modo dictiones cótines, sed integras quoque Latinè et loquendi, & scribendi formulas ex optimis quibusque authoribus. Ea quidem nunc accessione, vt nihil propemodum ob-

Volume V : page 85

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