Volume V : page 80

Sanctius de causis linguae Latinae. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 65, Sanctius de causis lingae [ sic -- Ed. ] Latinae, 8vo.
SÁNCHEZ, Francisco.
Franc. Sanctii. Brocensis, In Inclyta Salmanticensi Academia Primarii Rhetorices & Graecae Linguae Doctoris, Minerva, seu De Causis Linguae Latinae Commentarius, Cui inserta sunt, uncis inclusa, quae addidit Gasp. Scioppius: Et subjectae suis paginis Notae Jac. Perizonii. Quae Quarta hac Editione quam plurimum sunt auctae. Amstelaedami: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, mdccxiv . [1714.]
8vo. 496 leaves, engraved frontispiece, title printed in red and black; separate pagination but continuous signatures for 16 leaves at the end, with Francisci Sanctii Brocensis Grammatica Latina, with caption title.
Graesse VI, 260.
Francisco Sánchez, 1523-1601, Spanish scholar and grammarian, published the first edition of this work in 1587. It was frequently reprinted.
Caspar Schoppe, 1576-1649, a native of the Palatinate, was the editor of this edition.
Jacobus Perizonius, 1651-1715, occupied the chair of eloquence at Leyden University. For other works by him in this Catalogue, see the Index.
Portroyal Lat. grammar. Fr. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 66, The Portroyal Latin Grammar, Fr. 8vo.
[LANCELOT, Claude and others.]
Nouvelle Methode de Messieurs de Port Royal pour apprendre facilement la Langue Latine: Contenant les Regles, des Genres, des Declinaisons, des Preterits, de la Syntaxe, de la Quantité, et des Accens Latins. Mises en François, avec un Ordre très-clair et très-abregé . . . Avec un Traité de la Poësie Latine, et une Breve Instruction sur les Regles de la Poësie Françoise. Huitiéme Edition. Reveuë, corrigée, et augmentée de nouveau. A Paris: Chez la veuve Mabre Cramoisy, 1696.
8vo. 372 leaves, frontispiece, title printed in red and black. A copy was not available for examination; the information was obtained from the National Union Catalog.
Barbier III, 557 (Par Cl. Lancelot, Ant. Arnauld, et Pierre Nicole.).
This edition not in Quérard.
By the same authors as the Portroyal Greek Grammar, see no. 4750.
The first edition was printed in 1664. The Breve Instruction sur les Règles de la Poësie Françoise first appeared in the seventh edition, 1667.
The “Portroyal Lat. gram. 2. v. 8 vo.”, which Jefferson bought from the Rev. Samuel Henley in March 1785, was probably the English translation by Thomas Nugent, which is entered in Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue but which was not sold to Congress in 1815.
the same abridged. Fr. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 163, no. 11, Abregé de la Nouvelle Methode Latine [de Portroyal] 8vo.
[LANCELOT, Claude]
Abrégé de la Nouvelle Methode presentée au Roy pour apprendre facilement la langue Latine, contenant, les Rudiments, reduites en un Nouvel Ordre, et les

Volume V : page 80

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