Volume V : page 79

Emendata, & circiter cIɔ Iɔ ccc. Vocabulis aucta. Lvgdvni Batavorvm: Apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm. Anno c i ɔ . i ɔ . c. xiv . [1614.]
PA1125 .M5
4to. 344 leaves, title printed in red and black, eagle device on the title-page, with the date 1595, text printed in double columns.
Graesse IV, 510.
Willems 91.
Pieters 97.
Rahir 72.
Goldsmid, page 134.
Jan van Meurs [Johannes Meursius], 1579-1639, Dutch classical scholar, was professor of history and of Greek at Leyden, and historiographer to the States General. In 1625 he accepted the invitation of the King of Denmark to become professor of history and politics at Sorö in Zealand, where he died in 1639. The first edition of this Glossarium was printed by Elzevir in 1610.
Tesoro della lingua Greca-Volgare ed Italiano dal Somavera posto al luce dal Padre de Parigi. Parigi. Guignard. 1709.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 108, Dizzionario Greco-volgare et Italiano, dal Somavera, 2 v 4 to [ sic -- Ed. ] Parigi 1709.
ALEXIS de Sommevoire.
Tesoro della Lingua Greca-Volgare ed Italiana, cioe Ricchissimo Dizzionario Greco-Volgare et Italiano . . . Opera postuma dal Padre Alessio da Somavera, Capucino Francese, Missionario Apostolico, e Custode di tutte le nostre Missioni di Grecia. E posta in luce dal Padre Tomaso da Parigi, Missionario Apostolico, del medesimo Ordine. Dedicato all’ Illustrissimo Abbáte Bignon. Parigi: Appresso Michele Guignard, nella strada di San Giacomo, all’ insegna di San Giouanni. E si vende ancora in Marsiglia, appresso Pietro Cari, nel Porto. m. dcc. ix . Con Privilegio Regio. [1709.]
PA1127 .A5
First Edition. 2 vol. 4to. Vol. I, 247 leaves, the first with the half-title in Greek and Italian on the recto, Greek title on the verso; the preliminary matter includes the dedication to Jean-Paul Bignon, Abbé de St. Quentin, in French and in Greek, with his arms at the head repeated, the Royal arms of France at the beginning of the text; the Privilege on the last page dated April 13, 1707. Vol. II has the Italian before the Greek: Tesoro della Lingua Italiana e Greca-Volgare . . . the title followed by the dedication to the Abbate Bignon in Italian, with his arms repeated at the head, text of the Dictionary in triple columns.
Not in Quérard.
Graesse I, 68.
Ebert 402.
Alexis de Sommevoire, French Capuchin and lexicographer, died before the publication of this work, which was edited by Thomas of Paris (b. circa 1670).
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 165, no. 57, Grecae Grammaticae Institutiones, Edinb. [Ruddiman] 8vo.

1839 Catalogue, page 659, no. J. 60, Ruddiman, T.: Græcæ Grammaticæ institutiones, 8vo; Edinburgi, 1782.
Linguæ Græcæ Institutiones Grammaticæ. In Usum studiosæ Juventutis. Editio Quinta. Edinburgi: Prostant venales apud J. Bell et C. Elliot: et E. Wilson, Dumfries. m,dcc,lxxxii . [1782.]
Sm. 8vo. 74 leaves, folded engraved plate.
Not in Lowndes.
Catalogue of the Library of Edinburgh University II, 146.
Not in the Advocates’ Library Catalogue.
This work is wrongly attributed to Thomas Ruddiman in all the early Library of Congress Catalogues. The earliest edition listed in the British Museum Catalogue and in that of Edinburgh University is the second edition, Edinburgh, 1731.

Volume V : page 79

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